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Yahoo! Mail Beta doesn't work well with SpamCop


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The Yahoo! Mail Beta won't let me forward messages with full headers intact. The "classic interface" does let me do it; so I switched back. In the beta; it pops up the full headers in a new window, so I'd have to copy and paste those headers into the SpamCop form, go back to the message, and copy and paste that bellow the already pasted headers in the form...

Anyone else angry about this change? I hope Yahoo! changes it before the beta goes final, because not being able to forward with full headers is irritating! :angry:

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???? the subject matter seems to ring a bell, but that was ages ago ...

And as far as 'complaining' here, not sure what's that's going to accomplish. If you're a member of the Beta test team, isn't there an address there to report bugs and failing?

(will do the search for the previous posting that's ringing in my head in a bit ,,,)

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That one was when Beta broke SpamCop retrieving messages.

Curiously, newsgroup traffic ...

Path: news.spamcop.net!not-for-mail

From: "Berny"

Newsgroups: spamcop

Subject: Any one had any luck forwarding spam for reporting from the New "Yahoo Beta"?

Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 19:41:22 -0500

Message-ID: <e5877k$llv$1[at]news.spamcop.net>

In the reporting Forum, PaulKTF said:

>The Yahoo! Mail Beta won't let me forward messages with full headers

intact. The "classic interface" does let me do it; so I switched back. In

the beta; it pops up the >full headers in a new window, so I'd have to copy

and paste those headers into the SpamCop form, go back to the message, and

copy and paste that bellow the >already pasted headers in the form...

>Anyone else angry about this change? I hope Yahoo! changes it before the

beta goes final, because not being able to forward with full headers is


Same problem for me, and forward doesn't have the choice of as attachment

etc. I had an invitation to try the beta about 2 months back, and abandoned

it for the above reasons.

[Resolved] Yahoo Popgate not working?, Not getting Yahoo Mails

Guess this one stays separate ....

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  • 7 months later...

Has there been any updates on this? I get literally TONS of spam to my Yahoo webmail account, and I'm using the beta interface. The only option within this interface is to click the "spam" button, which is supposed to add it to a set of learning filters (although they seem to work incredibly poorly). If I see a spam that I particularly feel needs to be reported, I have to revert back to the original webmail interface. Then, when I'm complete, I have to change back again to the beta interface. Obviously I could simply use the original webmail, but as I prefer the beta, this whole thing is a bit of an annoyance. If there was some way I could simply report UCEs to SC through the beta, that would be preferable. If anyone has any suggestions on this, please post it. I have included as much information as possible. If I missed anything in any FAQs or other posts, please direct me to them.

Also, I cannot figure out how to view the full plaintext of the email w/ headers in the original interface. When I forward my email to SC for reporting, I can only see it after it has been parsed by SC in munged format. This is a problem for several reasons. I used the instructions in the SpamCop FAQ to report the email. However, the beta format doesn't allow this at all.

For example, I received an email that is a phish that I would like to report to various authorities in it's original format, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

Here is a view of a printable view of a phish spam for a charitable organization (with my information removed). Yahoo, in it's original webmail, allows you to view a printable view of the email.


I submitted two URLs to Phishtank - one embedded in the email, the other the redirect link.



I don't know whether or not Phishtank considers charitable fraud as a true "phish" or not, but I'll let that determine that. A phishing scam for a charity is a particularly disgusting fraud, which is why I decided it needed to be reported.

Here is the link to the email as parsed through SC's reporting system:


Yahoo webmail has a second option to "Save message text" but does not include the headers. So, the only option I seem to have is to copy and paste the HTML text of body of the message, but the headers are obviously not correct. Here is a copy of the email (with my information removed with underscores).

From S.O.S. Childern's Villages Sun Jan 7 18:50:25 2007
X-Apparently-To:	_________________ via; Sun, 07 Jan 2007 18:50:25 -0800
X-Originating-IP:	[]
Return-Path:	&lt;toor[at]cp.globalhosting.com&gt;
Authentication-Results:	mta136.sbc.mail.re2.yahoo.com from=cp.globalhosting.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received:	from (EHLO flpvm07.prodigy.net) ( by mta136.sbc.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sun, 07 Jan 2007 18:50:25 -0800
X-Header-NoReverseIP:	IP.name.lookup.failed[]
X-Originating-IP:	[]
Received:	from cp.globalhosting.com ([]) by flpvm07.prodigy.net (8.13.8 inb/8.13.8) with ESMTP id l082oGXT031770 for &lt;_________________&gt;; Sun, 7 Jan 2007 18:50:16 -0800
Received:	(from toor[at]localhost) by cp.globalhosting.com (8.11.6/8.11.6) id l082oPZ28___ for _________________; Sun, 7 Jan 2007 21:50:25 -0500
Date:	Sun, 7 Jan 2007 21:50:25 -0500
To:	_________________
Subject:	Dear _________________ you have a personal invitation from S.O.S. Cildren's Villages donation program
Message-ID:	&lt;84033[at]&gt;
From:	"S.O.S. Childern's Villages" &lt;toor[at]cp.globalhosting.com&gt;
Content-Type:	text/html
Content-Length:	1151

&lt;table width="648" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary=""&gt;
  &lt;tr&gt; &lt;/tr&gt;
	&lt;td width="1" nowrap&gt;&lt;spacer type="block" width="1"&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
	&lt;td width="718" nowrap valign="top"&gt; &lt;table width="646" height="613" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"&gt;
		  &lt;td width="636" valign="top" class="yregtopmodulefont"&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
			&lt;p&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;You have a personal 
			  invitation to join S.O.S. Children's Villages donation program.&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt; Today 
			  there are over 143 million children orphaned worldwide. S.O.S. Children's 
			  Villages is working hard to provide homes for these children, protecting 
			  them from abuse and exploitation, and giving them a place to call 
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;Help us 
			  to help children in need. Any contribution you are able to make 
			  helps make a difference in the lives of children, giving them a 
			  new, loving home, a proper education, and health-care - in short, 
			  giving them the chances in life they deserve. &lt;/font&gt;
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;S.O.S. 
			  Children's Villages' work is built upon the generosity of our donors 
			  all over the world and all contributions, large or small, regular 
			  or occasional, go towards helping us make a difference to children's 
			  lives. What better way to secure the future of our world than supporting 
			  the world's children? &lt;/font&gt;
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;&lt;a href=""&gt;Give 
			  the Gift of Hope - Make a Donation to Help Orphaned Children!&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/font&gt;
&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;Our online 
			  donation form is a fast, convenient and secure way for your online 
			  donation. When making your online donation, you can either specify 
			  a continent where you would like your contribution to go, one of 
			  our featured projects, or decide to help where you money is needed 
			&lt;p align="left"&gt; &lt;/p&gt;
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;	
			  Thank you for wanting to contribute to give children a new home 
			  and a family.&lt;br&gt;
			&lt;p align="left"&gt;&lt;font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"&gt;	
				  S.O.S. Children's Villages International. &lt;/font&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
	&lt;td width="1" nowrap&gt;&lt;spacer type="block" width="1"&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
  &lt;tr&gt; &lt;/tr&gt;

As a note, the real link to the SOS Children's Village is this: http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/

What I would like to do is report this fraud to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, the FTC, the BBB, and the

organization itself (and anyone else who should be notified about this). However, because I can't get the

entire email text, I can't do this (or can I?).

Unfortunately, even in the email in my inbox that prompted me to the reporting system contained the

headers received just from forwarding the email from Yahoo to SC (again, personal information removed

w/ underscores).

From: SpamCop AutoResponder &lt;spamcop[at]devnull.spamcop.net&gt;
To: ________________
Subject: [SpamCop] has accepted 1 email for processing
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 04:34:26 GMT
Message-ID: ________________
Content-type: text/plain

SpamCop is now ready to process your spam.

Use links to finish spam reporting (members use cookie-login please!):

The email which triggered this auto-response had the following headers:
 Return-Path: &lt;________________&gt;
Received: from sc-smtp4-bulkmx.soma.ironport.com (sc-smtp4-bulkmx.soma.ironport.com [])
	by sc-app7.soma.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1DFE02F8C5
	for &lt;submit.________________[at]spam.spamcop.net&gt;; Sun,  7 Jan 2007 20:08:32 -0800 (PST)
Received: from web82514.mail.mud.yahoo.com ([])
  by sc-smtp4-bulkmx.soma.ironport.com with SMTP; 07 Jan 2007 20:08:33 -0800
Received: (qmail 50772 invoked by uid 60001); 8 Jan 2007 04:08:31 -0000
Message-ID: &lt;________________.50770.qmail[at]web82514.mail.mud.yahoo.com&gt;
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
  s=s1024; d=sbcglobal.net;

X-YMail-OSG: 52fhRBMVM1mLgGsTIwdEfo1qFp24uJWv.EsimzsMtzV________________
Received: from [________________] by web82514.mail.mud.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sun, 07 Jan 2007 20:08:31 PST
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 20:08:31 -0800 (PST)
From: ________________
Subject: Fwd: Dear ________________  you have a personal invitation from S.O.S. Cildren's Villages donation program
To: submit.________________[at]spam.spamcop.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-2093560521-________________=:50415"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

If anyone has any suggestions, ideas, or comments, please post them. Thanks.

BTW: I apologize that this post has gone so far off the screen, I'm not sure why that occurred.

[Moderator edit - a few CR LFs thrown into the code boxes]

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Has there been any updates on this? I get literally TONS of spam to my Yahoo webmail account, and I'm using the beta interface. The only option within this interface is to click the "spam" button, which is supposed to add it to a set of learning filters (although they seem to work incredibly poorly).

Why don't you report this oversight to Yahoo. It is a beta and you have agreed to there being some issues.

Once it is out of beta, I am expecting spamcop's popgate to work properly with it. So far I have not switched because that is where most of my spam comes from.

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Why don't you report this oversight to Yahoo. It is a beta and you have agreed to there being some issues.

Once it is out of beta, I am expecting spamcop's popgate to work properly with it. So far I have not switched because that is where most of my spam comes from.

You wouldn't happen to know where or how to contact their beta development team? I've looked for it, but was unable to find it. I'm using the Yahoo webmail system through my ISP (SBC/AT&T), so I'm not sure to direct it to them or Yahoo.

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You wouldn't happen to know where or how to contact their beta development team? I've looked for it, but was unable to find it. I'm using the Yahoo webmail system through my ISP (SBC/AT&T), so I'm not sure to direct it to them or Yahoo.

No, but I don't ever sign up for beta testing unless I have that information beforehand. Maybe someone else here has gone through the process.

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...Not specifically for the beta but there's a "Help" link near the upper-right corner of the Yahoo!Mail page; the Help page has an option labeled "Contact Yahoo! Mail Customer Care!"

...Good luck!

Alright, thanks. I did a little searching around on my own and found a feedback system for the beta mail here:

http://feedback.mail.yahoo.com/betafeedback_mailbeta which is where I ended up sending my message.

If anyone else uses Yahoo mail, either for free or through their ISP, please send them a message regarding this too. I've included the email I sent to them, so feel free to use that as a template, or just copy and paste it (changing the account information to your own), although it would probably be better if it was customized individually so Yahoo won't receive many of the same emails over and over.


I am a subscriber of SBC (AT&T) Yahoo DSL and I use a Yahoo webmail Beta account to check my email under my username ______[at]sbcglobal.net. My main username for my SBC/AT&T SBC account is ________[at]sbcglobal.net (please do not contact me there - I do not check that address) I like the beta system very much, however, there is a limitation with you that I would like to discuss.

I am a subscriber of SpamCop and I report spam emails I get to them through my various email accounts that I use, Yahoo included. However, in the Yahoo Beta webmail system, there is no way for me to report the spam emails to SpamCop because I cannot view the message in plaintext with full headers. Normally, I simply mark the messages as spam using the integrated system, but I realize all that does is to mark it as such within my own learning filters, and does not report it to the ISP, as SpamCop does.

The only way I am able to report spam to SpamCop's reporting system is to switch back to the original webmail system and follow the instructions given by SpamCop on their FAQ here: http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/23.html in order to forward UCE spam to them.

Unfortunately, this is a cumbersome task as I have to switch back and forth between the beta and the original if I want to report a UCE spam message. For example, recently I received a phishing email for a charitable organization. The email was particularly bothersome to me, so I took the time to switch back over to the original webmail and report the spam, then I had to switch back to the beta. I have discussed this problems on the SpamCop forum, in a thread which can be viewed here:


What I would like to suggest to you, the Yahoo staff, is a modification to the the Yahoo webmail Beta system that would allow it to add functionality so a user can report spam emails to SpamCop reporting system within the webmail, without having to go through additional steps to do so. There are several ways that this could be accomplished, which I will discuss below.

With Gmail, there is an option when viewing an email to "Show Original". This opens up a new window and shows the entire email in plaintext. This allows me to then copy and paste the message into SpamCop's manual reporting system and parse the UCE spam for reporting to the appropriate authorities (ie: the sender's ISP abuse dept.). Many other webmail systems have a similar function, which is simple and easy to use.

Another option would be to allow within the Yahoo beta options an ability to forward a message as an attachment with the full plaintext of the email, which was available in the previous webmail version. This also works to allow the UCE to be reported to SpamCop as they have custom email addresses for each user where a UCE spam message can be forwarded to, and then be parsed for reporting.

Another function that was in the previous Yahoo mail system was an option to save the message text, which allowed a user to save the body of the email (without headers) to a text file. There was also a print preview mode, which if the option was enabled to view all headers, would include them in this view, but the headers were shown in a fashion that it would be unable to be reported this way through SpamCop, and any other abuse department for an ISP that would require the full plaintext of the email to examine it. Currently, with the Yahoo beta mail system, there is an option under "Compact header" and choose "Full Headers" whereby one can see the headers of the email they are looking at. However, there is no way to view the body of the message in plaintext format. SpamCop has a manual reporting option which allows for a workaround for email clients such as Outlook and Eudora, where one can input the headers in a top blank form window, and then input the body of the email into a separate lower form window. So, a user can copy the headers to the top window and the body of the text in the lower window, and then SpamCop's reporting system will automatically incorporate the two and parse the email correctly. This could be another option for Yahoo Beta mail, if there was an option to show the body of the email in plaintext format.

There are many other options, and I would be happy to discuss with you any sort of improvements that would make the Yahoo Beta system more useful to individuals who wish to report fraudulent emails to reporting services, such as SpamCop. As I am sure you aware, spam has become a major problem, as has phishing. According to an article by the NYTimes, nine out of every ten messages is a spam email. In my inbox at ______[at]sbcglobal.net, I get an extraordinary amount of spam to my account daily. Clicking the button to mark a message as spam does not archive the desired function I would like it to do, so I am asking for your consideration for you to make your webmail system easier to use for individuals like me to report malicious and fraudulent emails. I believe the Yahoo webmail beta is a great system, and it still has room to grow. Reporting emails to SpamCop does not just forward fraudulent UCE spams to their ISP, but SpamCop also runs a DNSbl which allows many other users on our worldwide community of the internet to intercept and block unwanted spam. With these improvements to the Yahoo beta webmail system, it can help stem the tide of spam for all users around the world and help make the Yahoo email interface a superior system.

Thank you for your time, I would enjoy hearing your feedback on this issue. However, I realize that you may not be able to respond to my request. If at all possible, I still would appreciate a reply.

Jonathan Grose


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There are many other options, and I would be happy to discuss with you any sort of improvements that would make the Yahoo Beta system more useful to individuals who wish to report fraudulent emails to reporting services, such as SpamCop. As I am sure you aware, spam has become a major problem, as has phishing. According to an article by the NYTimes, nine out of every ten messages is a spam email. In my inbox at ______[at]sbcglobal.net, I get an extraordinary amount of spam to my account daily. Clicking the button to mark a message as spam does not archive the desired function I would like it to do, so I am asking for your consideration for you to make your webmail system easier to use for individuals like me to report malicious and fraudulent emails. I believe the Yahoo webmail beta is a great system, and it still has room to grow. Reporting emails to SpamCop does not just forward fraudulent UCE spams to their ISP, but SpamCop also runs a DNSbl which allows many other users on our worldwide community of the internet to intercept and block unwanted spam. With these improvements to the Yahoo beta webmail system, it can help stem the tide of spam for all users around the world and help make the Yahoo email interface a superior system.

I think you mean achieve.

Also, I hope Yahoo! takes you seriously.

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