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Everything posted by Lking

  1. There was a time when SC did not handle any IPv6 IPs. Now they do handle IPv6 IPs that are correctly applied. As petzl stated: Which leads back to same old problem, SC can't be expected (at least by me) to maintain a parser that handles ever ISP and spammer variant of the standards whether implemented intentionally to obscure or through incorrect used of the the system.
  2. Klappa, I don't think your problems are unique to you. With both gmail and Outlook you have created almost a "perfect storm" apposing reporting of spam. Have you looked at the other threads about handling the IPV6 issues? They do include suggestions for handling the headers before reporting. It would be nice if SpamCop could handle the IPV6 problem "today" but it was reported in an other thread that the conversion process opened a security vulnerability that is currently being work. I have no clue about timing for resolution.
  3. Totally off topic, but reminded me of an old joke. The pilot was lost in the fog. Finely saw a tall building sticking up above the fog. Circling the building he got someone’s attention and using charades style sign language ask “Where am I?” and got the reply “In an airplane.” The pilot made a left turn, heading west and soon found the Seattle airport. After landing the co-pilot ask the pilot how he found the airport “The answer you got was intuitively obvious and of no value!?” The pilot said “Yes of course. So I knew we were circling the Microsoft building in Redmond, WA and were talking to one of their “Help” authors.
  4. If you made it through the process using Safari, received your password email from SpamCop and then logged in using Safari (because of cookies) the account should be active. You should then be able to go back to FF and use the account there.
  5. MIG I do not use Outlook so am working on memory. As I remember Outlook does not Forward-as-attachment email including all the email including header in the correct format. Sounds to me like MicroSoft has really s****ed the pooch this time. I suggest following the links you referenced above and let MS know. I understand all the reasons NOT to change email applications, but that is something to consider.
  6. MIG you are yet to get a properly formatted email source. The first example above again has blank lines between each line of the header. Therefore the parser "sees" a one line header Examples 2-4 have NO blank line so the parser "sees" everything as part of the header. The 5th, last example include unrelated text before the header This too causes a parser error. Take a look at this example to see what your submission should look like. click on "View entire message" You will notice there is no text before the "X-Account-Key: account6" and there are no blank lines until after the last line in the header "X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAACjNUGYwK/wXvMwHI9DL/zqAy/6ZEMv/QcjMCDGIy/+wiMwGw0jMCDG4=" When you figure out how get that out of Outlook you will be golden.
  7. Glad to hear you found a solution. I am surprised FF had an issue. I opened a test account without issue using FF v63. Do you have cookies enabled?
  8. "today, MS have shipped their new..." and you have identified the cause of the problem. A solution/work-around is an other matter. When you find a solution, please post here for other Outlook user.
  9. In the copy of the spam you reported notice all the blank lines. According to the email standard, the "Header" portion of the email ends with the first blank line. Therefore, as reported the parser thinks the header ended after the first line and that "( by BY2NAM03HT190.eop-NAM03.prod.protection.outlook.com" is part of the body of the email. This problem is caused by the outlook web application or how you retrieved the email.
  10. Yea I guess I should have just deleted the post added to an eight-year-old thread. As you said, the post was a not so clever way to add a link.
  11. I get auto response for all the spam reports I send to Amazon. I don't track the IPs or spend to much time looking at the the spam so don't know what effect it has. As in other threads, No the spam is not going away. As long as people respond to spam, with money or political action, spam will continue. SpamCop never really expected spam to stop. There first objective has always been to block the spam. Like the spammers them self, there will always be ISPs that will take spammer's money.
  12. Unless your ISP uses the SpamCop Blocklist to filter/sort your incoming email, you will not see a direct affect in your inbox for submitting spam.
  13. Yes the IP is currently shown as being on the SCBL, https://www.talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search= If no additional reports are received the IP will automatically come off of the block list. To make sure you understand, the IP address is listed, NOT your domain. If your outgoing email application shares the IP with other outgoing SMTP the offending email could be coming from one of those domains, not yours. Check with you ISP to find out if you share the IP with others. Of course what is spam is in the eye of the receiver not the sender. For example, PineApp Mail Secure would not flag a totally benign email sent to a spam trap. However, the email would could cause the IP to be blocked. Check with your ISP. The link above shows that the email volume has shown a 96% increase. Now a good sign. Someone is sending a lot of email.
  14. 1. When you receive a credible threat of blackmail you should contact your local law enforcement. As for your submission to SpamCop, by providing the Tracking URL here the rest of us could see the results and be in a better position to explain the results. After you compete the processing of a submitted spam and then go back to the report using the Tracking URL, the screen will state that your reports have already been sent. " I tried some help pages " The software used for the forum was updated/change sometime ago, and during the database conversion, many of the help pages/links to help pages were broken. " I have a report ID " The report ID a number, in a reference to the specific report and is useful only to you and SpamCop. " use of my tracking URL " When you, or anyone else, follows the Tracking URL they can see 1) the original spam (which has been scrubbed so we can not see your email address), 2) the steps taken by the parser to identify where to send the Spam Report, and 3) What actions were taken. When you first submit a spam for processing, you will see 1) and 2) above followed by where reports will be send when you click <Send Reports> When you go back using the Tracking URL, you will see 1) & 2) followed by what was done. Sometimes much later, if the tables of abuse addresses has been updated the parser will report " If reported today, reports would be sent to: " to reflect the updated data. "Should I expect to hear anything else about this in response? " No. The only thing SpamCop does is, based on their rules, add the senders IP address to the SC block list (SCBL). Depending on how many reports SC receives the IP address may be on the SCBL for 12 hrs or longer. You can go to https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=map check the reputation of the IP address and if it is currently on any block list. " it would be nice to think that there could potentially be serious consequences " SpamCop does not have any authority to do anything except maintain their SCBL. That is why you should contact your local authorities. Welcome to the spam fight.
  15. I have not seen a "X-" line added there in the header before, not that means anything. Those two lines were added by some email processing app along the line. Sense that type of header entry can be made by any application that 'touches' the email I believe the parser just skips over them.
  16. Or Hotmail corrects the changes they made It is not feasible for SpamCop to adjust the parser to deal with every change made to other's email software. Hotmail, among others, are not really too interested in how they affect other applications. Their interest is in providing (free) email service to their clients, so the client data, usage, networks are available to scrape.
  17. You provided a "Report id" which only you can view. At the top of the report page you will see "Parse" when you click on that, at the top of the next page That is the Tracking URL
  18. A full example would help all us understand ~~ a Tracking URL
  19. A project of passion, with limited financial support. A loss.
  20. Do a search for "Quick+Reporting" Take note of the warnings scattered in these threads.
  21. kolor you will have to explain more completely what you mean. Looking at the link you provided, currently that IP address has a "spam level" of none for today and last month. Today the IP has a email level of 0.0 for today. Although the IP does have an email reputation of "poor" but many not be on any current block list because it has timed off the list. For how the SCBL works go to https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/297.html and scroll down to "How the SCBL Works" and " SCBL Rules "
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