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Everything posted by petzl

  1. This is from a Apple/Mac? If so try safe mode, usually the Virus scanner stopping Captcha?
  2. Cisco have their own ways of creating blocklists for their email servers, This is what makes them sought after. There is nothing to set-up, no false-positives nor false -negatives. Has evolved from it's "Senderbase" days
  3. Keep reporting them they may get on he SpamCop Blocklist, Cisco is likely to add the spammers ISP, silently, add to their and owners/customers of their servers blacklist, which mean very few will even see them (they are bit binned/banned) Cisco is a major supplier of email servers which are spam free. Just post the SpamCop trace URL's like https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6624412645zda5fff963c7ab47ff120e5a1c69bb9cbz
  4. So this is phishing and you never subscribed! with bogus unsubscribe, they are also IP hoping to avoid block-listing, called snowshoe spamming SpamCop not doing it this time report is "devnulled" Even in your case it is! If you start getting flooded with spam you stand the chance of your email account being disabled, Happened to my Gmail account, Chinese attack, "abuse]AT]12321[DOT]cn" is the supposed corrupt Government report address, they claim they want reports Forwarded as attachment before acting.
  5. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6624412645zda5fff963c7ab47ff120e5a1c69bb9cbz Tried the Unsubscribe link? They have your email address anyway. has had 8 spam reports over last 90 days, Might be spam laws in Germany but many of Germanys ISP's don't accept SpamCop reports? Ideally still report though SpamCop creates statistics which are used by anti-spam org's Pay to forward the spam you receive to "abuse[AT]mapp[DOT]com" include full text and body. Above that a preamble like Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe (NEVER subscribed), DDoS >
  6. Gmail/other throwaway accounts, need to confirm email accounts say a week later aside from their auto-ack and remove anything in their "cloud accounts" I keep reporting these criminals to gmail with this "addy", who keep attacking although now slowly Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe This/my email address I believe sold to this Russian (?) Crime gang by FaceBook
  7. Yes that allows it to parse https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6623476193z4ef535a5f5916faa0ed30142c9229a4ez
  8. No idea From African botnet probably Gmail antics netabuse[AT]mtn[DOT]bj Through email server
  9. So try clicking the unsubscribe link. They have your email anyhow, yes it can be used to confirm your address and probably bogus link. Do-not write your email address in any box asking for it. It 's bogus! When you submit your next spam just include the top 3 links delete the rest below those 3 links clink "enter, for one space" then write truncated, then submit Doing this should remove "Too many links." failure View this email in your browser <https://manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/web-view?a=3DJAQ5dY&c=3DPMxcD= S&r=3DpRd7NAb&m=3DHpivgE&k=3D246cea184cc512fd15d8cdf901558e96> <https://www.lackofcolor.com.au/> <https://lackofcolor.com/collections/mens> truncated
  10. Google free service would rely only automation, it is very good at sorting spam from ham If you log onto their webmail and mark all your spam as phishing it is acted upon. Each spam complaint would cost around $50 for a abuse team to work on, but I do believe abuse reports are gone over by Google I rarely get spam in my Gmail account
  11. try to register in "Safe mode"? Know nothing about Apple computers but others report their virus program/other software/even spyware interfering with Captcha
  12. For Windows pays to download free version of Ccleaner Be warned it may need extra program to be unchecked (tries to load other software), no need to update (it is nag-ware) but your choice. It will clean out all cookies, but you can select "options" to save needed cookies
  13. you need to BEFORE submitting spam report to look at page top to get a tracking URL Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6618049412z30e4d714e651653bd291e90d56526533z Makes things clear as to whats happening and who is getting reports,
  14. Become assimilated get a Gmail account, Free but you are the product Best email system for clearing spam, not heard of false positives is Cisco spam filter. You need a email provider that uses a Cisco email server. You just don't get spam and there is nothing to do. You don't see it. A company I worked for uses them, no problems no spam, brilliant
  15. If you can work out the IP your email server received spam from a whois program makes it easy. This ones for Windows. Freeware http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/ipnetinfo.html
  16. And reported spam kept on database for 3 months, example https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6593732954zaf393e656b12c75bfc0c782f527aacd8z
  17. A few providers do not accept SpamCop reports They only accept reports from the email account that received them!
  18. Yes if the IP shows as ever being blocked by SpamCop it would lose it's GOOD TALOS reputation EMAIL REPUTATION Good Not uncommon for SpamCops blocklist to be falsely blamed However this IP has a malware infection, But never been reported by SpamCop abuse[at]gazprombank [dot]r u. https://www.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip=
  19. SpamCop blocklist can be activated by a large number of emails hitting "SpamCop's spamtraps" . These email addresses are not public but can be scraped by "bots" from poisoned Web-sites. Records of such attacks are not recorded will be blocked for 24 hours from last spam. Two reasons for this is someone is not using a Virus scanner and a computer/device has been compromised or best practice for marketing is not being done "double opt-in confirmation" Minimum is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opt-in_email#Best_practice How easy is it to be put on a/your mail list? Your competitors may well try to sabotage your mail list by loading it with poisoned email addresses?
  20. No reports made by SpamCop members for 90 days which is as long as records are kept? Can you show the bounce, edit it to remove any sensitive information
  21. I just forward to "abuse [AT] amazon [DOT] com" "stop-spoofing [AT] amazon [DOT] com" From my Gmail account directly
  22. Sometimes SpamCop reports re ignored! These creeps I report directly from the email account they attack
  23. I always forward my Amazon spam to abuse [AT] amazon [DOT] com which now has stopped from amazon spammer has moved to India https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6614613333z33924b4aa692bdb379203b970853f7efz Creep is using a number of Indian IP's but same fingerprint as Amazon spam "contact[AT]gyaneshwarcomputer[DOT]com" "abuse[AT]alphainfonet[DOT]com" "admin[AT]mukeshtech[DOT]com"
  24. That's all I do with mine Seems though when spammer sends though gmail to gmail becomes a intranet SpamCop cannot parse Just report as phishing and gmail will deal with it Reported a while ago https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6613089010zeca3f141148e65c17956cc77885b5331z
  25. Working for me two days ago? Fake drug spam. https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6612624629z1abe5cddebae09ba94ce8ea7968ce25bz
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