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Everything posted by petzl

  1. That's the easiest, You should be able to open a *.eml file with "Notepad" or text viewer
  2. It lookas to me your email app is not seperating the headers from the body?
  3. That is working but you haven't submitted it Check with you provider that they are giving you proper headers? It may be your email APP doing this
  4. Have you tried copy and paste text headers and body manually into SpamCop parser?
  5. is spamsource abuse[AT]as9143.net the abuse desk is asleep at wheel seems it's continually reported https://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip= Don't know why SpamCop is not picking it up?
  6. They can get millions of different email accounts here https://sendgrid.com/marketing/sendgrid-services-cro/ Try it out! Send 40,000 emails for 30 days, then 100/day forever. Sign up for free. No credit card required.
  7. Always helps with a SpamCop Track https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6594340561z125f42ee61982fdb92980529b765f19bz always put in abuse report been going on for many many months. Banned all Amazon and subsidiaries purchases because of inept AWS abuse responses to AmazonAWS DDoS multiple IP email attacks Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe (NEVER subscribed), DDoS abuse[AT]amazonaws.com spam text headers and body
  8. Try to send a SpaCop Track to see these headers? would help if Sendgrid shut down they are a spammers paradise! Their advice is lousy like their allowing DDoS attacks on email accounts Gmail have a email spam cut off point where, with a overdose, they disable your account no warning from their website Seems that there is a connection to amazonaws as their IP is always stamped as the injection point? https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588724520zeaff576385f38c9a53fea8a2da697254z email server (look for yelp in headers name of server) abuse[]sendgrid.com injection (look for AWS in headers) abuse[]amazonaws.com
  9. Just trim of the body, hit enter twice, then you submit. Long spam submissions slow down the parser sometimes cause SpamCop to hang. Sometimes you can set your mouse to "Auto-find" my computers a touch screen so not a big deal for me.
  10. email server abuse[AT]sendgrid.com need to put in abuse report to them as well, they are brainless stinkers this is what is said on sendgrid site spammers paradise https://sendgrid.com/marketing/sendgrid-services-cro/ Try it out! Send 40,000 emails for 30 days, then 100/day forever. Sign up for free. No credit card required. Always spam injected from a AWS IP? https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6592985188z08df2a03ce1e990bfb81847501172823z Notes Criminal phishing, bogus reply address, bogus unsubscribe (NEVER subscribed), DDoS injection abuseXamazonaws.com email server abuseXsendgrid.com
  11. Slow the criminal down though old trackhttps://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588724520zeaff576385f38c9a53fea8a2da697254zemail server (look for yelp in headers name of server) abuse[]sendgrid.cominjection (look for AWS in headers) abuse[]amazonaws.com
  12. The last spam I received today email server abuse[]sendgrid.com injection abuse[]amazonaws.com I just forward spam to the abuse addresses from my Gmail WebMail. Seems to have a effect in reducing the attack. SpamCop won't send reports. so I forward them directly old track https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588724520zeaff576385f38c9a53fea8a2da697254z email server (look for yelp in headers name of server) abuse[]sendgrid.com injection (look for AWS in headers) abuse[]amazonaws.com
  13. Yes MailWasher will send it correctly to SpamCop. If Microsoft are not forming headers correctly it will go to bit bin.
  14. It's not SpamCop that's changed it's hotmail/outlook headers hotmail/outlook have decided to conceal where your email comes from? You need to go to their Blog/Facebook and ask?
  15. By dropping Amazon and their subsidiaries from purchases forever will cost them more than the free spamming accounts from their "Free email accounts" that we are being hammered with. https://sendgrid.com/marketing/sendgrid-services-cro/ Try it out! Send 40,000 emails for 30 days, then 100/day forever. Sign up for free. No credit card required.
  16. Don't have a Apple mobile but they describe it as "Download AltaMail and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch."
  17. Look at AltaMail not freeware but give 30 day trail might might not do what you want
  18. port 53 is open normal, connects to your DNS.
  19. AWS don't care and lie or don't know their job sending me "We were unable to identify the customer responsible for the reported activity. Due to the frequency with which AWS public IP addresses can change ownership, we will need additional information in order to identify the responsible customers" Which is rubbish. the only port their IP's have open is port 53, none are email servers, They need to block port 25 on machines that are NOT email servers I replied (as above) and spam has dropped to around 3 a day at present, instead of the 20 daily or so, it was before
  20. And SpamAssasin uses the SpamCop Blocking list
  21. Hmmmm ~o~ Yes, since "Corporate Email Services" (CES) provided SpamCop email the owner kept the web pages current. He since retired and Cisco allow legacy members to forward email to a working email address but the web pages are not being kept current, which was also done by volunteers, Probably best to delete them, although those that are still up offer some insight.
  22. Reporting spam by any means, SC included, is sent to abuse desk which if enough reports or of illegal content will act. You usually end up list washed by spammer, for me that's enough. $15 will remove nag screen but it allocates 15MB of spam reporting, no time limit, the more you report the quicker it gets used up. I don't see that by reporting spam directly (forward as attachment) to abuse desk as less effective probably simpler. This blog is good to get advice some helpful, some not. Nowadays I send most abuse reports directly, only using SpamCop when I want evidence of abuse desk not doing their job.
  23. Microsoft believe this their job? Send a SpamCop Track https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588774779z3ab95b8cd86a700d63c9d7c13cbf84c4z Seems to work but just reports Microsoft as the sender The sender was AmazonAWS they have a security problem possibly their Alexa devices? abuseXamazonaws.com
  24. Amazon are incompetent and won't accept SpamCop reports The only way to attempt to report directly from your Gmail WEB account to abuse[AT]amazonaws.com And Mark it phishing (so-far I have only seen Gmail accounts attacked?) Amazon replied to me that I didn't do this, which I did send all headers and body in text listed the IP ( it came from * Complete, accurate timestamps of the activity including: (one email per report, please) - Date - Time - Time Zone * All source IPs * All source port(s) & protocol(s) * Destination IP(s) * Destination port(s) and protocol(s) * Full e-mail header and HTML content of the spam message I sent/parsed it through SpamCop https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588724520zeaff576385f38c9a53fea8a2da697254z replied Seems you don't know your job very well? all headers, time stamps were sentYour IP is listed as a Botnetsee and have machine scanned https://www.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip= IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with an botnet that is emitting email spam. The infection is probably auto.
  25. Amazon are incompetent and won't accept SpamCop reports The only way to attempt to report directly from your Gmail WEB account to abuse[AT]amazonaws.com And Mark it phishing Amazon replied to me that I didn't do this, which I did send all headers * Complete, accurate timestamps of the activity including: (one email per report, please) - Date - Time - Time Zone * All source IPs * All source port(s) & protocol(s) * Destination IP(s) * Destination port(s) and protocol(s) * Full e-mail header and HTML content of the spam message I sent/parsed it through SpamCop https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6588724520zeaff576385f38c9a53fea8a2da697254z replied Seems you don't know your job very well? all headers, time stamps were sentYour IP is listed as a Botnetsee and have machine scanned https://www.abuseat.org/lookup.cgi?ip= IP is infected (or NATting for a computer that is infected) with an botnet that is emitting email spam. The infection is probably auto.
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