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Thanks to the eagle eyes at grc NGs for picking this one up (no 'names', no pack-drill, this was on an un-archiveable, short-term group):


Most disturbing is the tag [Humor] (unclosed, too). This is real, we all know patch deniers, let alone patch procrastinators. They are the ones who crop up on the tech sites asking how to 'repave' a PC. :D

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This is real, we all know patch deniers, let alone patch procrastinators.

OK, somewhat off-topic, yet ... the alternative situation that could also be seen to lead to the above ...

Online attackers feed off Norton forum purge

Stated elsewhere, there was only a 'few-hour window' for those folks updating, either automatically or manually, to 'obtain' this alleged tainted version. The uproar about the Norton 'support' Forum actually still hasn't run its course on other Forums, but .... that's the way of conspiracy theories <g>

An earlier post that summarizes (vs, a link to a Forum that I hit a while back and quit reading after 20+ pages of posts, that also asked repeatedly not to be linked to <g>) the background issue Conspiracy theories fly around Norton forum 'Pifts' purge

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OK, somewhat off-topic, yet ... the alternative situation that could also be seen to lead to the above ...
Well, yes, there's that too.

Anyway, at least no-one has said "Well, none of that happens with *nix," yet. Just as well, short memories, time was when *nix caused more than it's fair share of problems - http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/8456/unixd.jpg (gotta watch those homophones).

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