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DDoS attack for sale


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This is one of the more interesting spam e-mail I got lately, what makes them think I am interested when I report every piece of spam I get is beyond me (notice the terrible punctuation, this guy is nearly illiterate):

We offer DDoS service! Removal of sites, your competitors and enemies. outcommissioning sites by the overload of server! Price from 100$ 24 hours and higher.


E-mail: botanik1010[at]gmail.com

icq: 69-2222-1

I think we should all request removal of our favorite spamer and provide a fake credit card.

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We offer DDoS service! Removal of sites, your competitors and enemies. outcommissioning sites by the overload of server! Price from 100$ 24 hours and higher.
Why do I think that the closest this guy would ever get to an actual DDoS attack is to shove 25-year-old 5-1/4 inch floppies of DRDOS up people's fingernails? I miss the old days, when people like this just sold the Brooklyn Bridge.

-- rick

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...Sad thing is some are serious professionals at it.
And, hopefully, some are 'sting' operations mounted by law enforcement agencies. Hopefully, again, they will go easy on dra007 and recognize amongst other things his credentials 'here' as a dedicated anti-abuse activist of long standing and distinguished record. :D
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