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Being Blacklisted with SpamCop


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If you think a forgery is involved, please email deputies [at] spamcop.net with your IP address.

A very common problem for people who do not spam is that a machine on their network is infected with a trojan or that a password has been compromised. If you have checked those things (see pinned FAQ "Why Am I Blocked?" for more details), then in order for anyone to help you will need to post an IP address.

Miss Betsy

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Absolutly no clue on your specific situation, as you've offered zilch to work with. Suggest you start by going through http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=972 and then, if needed, come back in and provide some type of data so your situation can be looked at. E-mail addresses aren't the issue, as SpamCop focuses in on IP addresses .. so specifically, what's the IP address of the e-mail server in question?

Posting is being moved to Help, as the issue has nothing to do with SpamCop E-mail accounts.

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My organization is discovering our mail server being blacklisted even though we do not spam.  Any ideas how to fix this?  We find a number of times our email addresses have been used as a "cover" for spammers.

The SCBL does NOT list domains or email addresses, it contains ONLY IP addresses determined to be the source of spams that users have reported. Your domain cannot be listed just because some spammer forged a return address.

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