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Is there something like "Blue Frog/okopipi"?


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I haven't been keeping up with anti-spam projects lately and just noticed Okopipi is now dead. Has anything replaced these projects or is anything similar being developed?

MODERATORS: Please move to appropriate forum.

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I moved your post to the Spamcop Lounge because it is not dealing with spamcop reporting problems.

I've never heard of okopipi but I think I remember Blue Frog and that it has been gone sometime. Wasn't it the site where you could repeatedly query a website so that it became unusable for regular traffic? To be used only for spamvertised websites.

There is another anti-spam reporting site called Knujon that concentrates on closing spamvertised sites if you haven't heard of that. There are several spamcop reporters who routinely submit spam to both spamcop and knujon.

Miss Betsy

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The Complainterator is the spiritual descendant of Blue Frog
Complainterator was written by a Blue Security member, and is dedicated to the memory of the blue frog, Fred, whose premature death spawned a new era. This is Fred's bequest. Use Complainterator in loving memory of Fred!
See http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...ost&p=60620 and following (noting CastleCops has gone from the support arena). KnjOn, as Miss Betsy suggests, is another to consider and one possibly a little closer to 'smack and move on' model of murdered Blue Frog and the aborted Okopipi (well, frogs don't actually 'abort' but the project did).
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I also suggest that you check out the InboxRevenge forum. The spectacular demise of Blue Frog made people aware that this is about a lot more than just nuisance emails. Internet crime is big business and spam is only one part of it. We composed an open letter to the US FTC chairman discussing those issues, and they will be equally pertinent to the incoming Cyber Czar:


Just as Spamcop is primarily working on alerting ISP's to compromised machines emailing spam, the members at InboxRevenge concentrate on educating registrars about the criminal nature of the domains advertised in spam. While registrars normally don't like to get involved in policing the content of websites, the fact that a site is engaged in illegal activity makes it almost certain it was registered with fake information. A registrar can suspend sites with fraudulent registrations, and we believe it has a responsibility to do so lest it be seen as an active participant in criminal activity.

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