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Are reports actually processed when sent to a @don.spamcop.net email address


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I am curious if reports are actually processed and sent on when the reporting addresses are "not-spam-sourceforgelist[at]don.spamcop.net?"

The prolific spammers from up0.net appear to select *unsubscribed* email addresses to seed their spam lists, then send unwanted messages several times a week to those users. However, when these messages are reported, the email address listed for reports on both the links in the message and the originating IP address is not-spam-sourceforgelist[at]don.spamcop.net

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Hi, Keith,

...If you can find a Tracking URL that shows this and post it here, we'll have a better chance of being able to give you a helpful answer. Please be sure that that parse has been completed -- reports sent -- or canceled or too old to report. Thanks!

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I am curious if reports are actually processed and sent on when the reporting addresses are "not-spam-sourceforgelist[at]don.spamcop.net?"
Yes. Those reports are sent and charged against the IP for blocking purposes.

All emails to addresses [at]don.spamcop.net come to me.

That particular address is a holdover from when users were reporting mail from SourceForge discussion lists they signed up for and I needed to warn them against it.

Now there is a spammer in that same space so I just filter the reports into a file and let the blocking list do its job.

- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

- service[at]admin.spamcop.net -

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Yes. Those reports are sent and charged against the IP for blocking purposes.

All emails to addresses [at]don.spamcop.net come to me.

Cool. Thanks for the information. I was just curious if this spammer was being ignored. It is good to hear that at least their poor behavior is putting them at risk of getting their IP blacklisted.


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