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Filter do not seem to be working

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I have set two filters up in spam cop and they function just fine except that I still get the mail on my laptop and on my iPhone.

They are set to delete the emails. I would have thought those that are deleted should not be sent to my client.

Any help would be appreciated


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Hi, LarryB,

...If a more direct answer is not forthcoming here, please consider giving the following a try:

  • Near the top of any SpamCop Forum page (such as this one), look for the text entry box between the white "button" labeled "Search for -->" and the blue "button" labeled "GO."
  • Type one or more key words into the text box (for example "filter delete" without the quote marks -- but use quote marks to match an exact phrase).
  • Review the resulting hits to see if anything looks applicable to your situation.
  • If you have any questions, please post back here with follow-ups.

...Good luck!

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Hi, LarryB,

...If a more direct answer is not forthcoming here, please consider giving the following a try:

  • Near the top of any SpamCop Forum page (such as this one), look for the text entry box between the white "button" labeled "Search for -->" and the blue "button" labeled "GO."
  • Type one or more key words into the text box (for example "filter delete" without the quote marks -- but use quote marks to match an exact phrase).
  • Review the resulting hits to see if anything looks applicable to your situation.
  • If you have any questions, please post back here with follow-ups.

...Good luck!

Thanks Steve and I tried that but only put in "filters" and nothing came up. So that is why I posted my question.

I almost always try the search first as the rules indicated. Maybe it was a bad day for the search engine. ha


Thanks Steve and I tried that but only put in "filters" and nothing came up. So that is why I posted my question.

I almost always try the search first as the rules indicated. Maybe it was a bad day for the search engine. ha


I'm proven wrong again. This time it worked and there is a lot of reading I need to do.

Again thanks Steve I'll be back if I can't get it resolved.


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I have set two filters up in spam cop and they function just fine except that I still get the mail on my laptop and on my iPhone.

They are set to delete the emails. I would have thought those that are deleted should not be sent to my client.

Any help would be appreciated


To set-up main spam filters, you need to sign-on to webmail, go to options Select "SpamCop tools" then select "Your main filtering Blacklists" (usually select all of them. countrywide for brazil china don't work use br and cn in your blacklist which helps) you need to also set-up a whitelist "Manage your personal whitelist" also in SpamCop tools (over-rides all blacklists). ALL potential spam filtered by these spam filters goes to your VER folder

Other filters only apply to viewing email via webmail.

Set SpamAssasin value to 5 (to start with. The higher the number the more spam passes)

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Other filters only apply to wiewing email via webmail

That's the important part to make note of--many users assume that a "filter is a filter," but the ones you configure using the Filters tool in the webmail interface are only applied when viewing your mailbox in that interface (and those actions are configurable).


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