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Newt Gingrich loves spam

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Richi Jennings

The Long View

Now that Newt Gingrich has conceded defeat... ahem, sorry, suspended his campaign, his Newt 2012 organization is thought to be at least $4,300,000 in the hole, and there's little chance of raising sufficient funds to pay off that debt. That's thanks in part to Federal Election Commission rules that specify donation limits of $2,500 per supporter.

So, in a bizarre twist of moral logic, Newt 2012 is selling its email lists to spammers -- an act that's theoretically legal, but completely counter to promises it made to Newt's supporters.


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...Well, I see a lot of accusation but no real meat. Where's the proof, or at least, some evidence that it's really Newt's campaign doing this and not a lot of hot air from some anti-Newt agent provocateur? Newt certainly has no shortage of enemies (many of his own making, I'm certain).

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...A Google search shows three apparently original stories repeated over and over again on various web sites (and the first two have a lot of information in common):

Of the three, only Politico has a relatively moderate political philosophy, although CBS has mass media cache which means there is some chance that the story is fairly straight.

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