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Comcast port change

SpamCop 98

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Beginning August 1, 2012, comcast discontined support for ports 25 and 110 for email:


As this policy spreads through the comcast network, it will eventually affect you if you use a comcast email addy and POP. Earlier this year I discovered my emails weren't being sent until I changed to port 465.

IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU be advised that the spamcop service eventually will NOT allow you to POP your email. Your only clue is on the POP options page there will be errors and the message "unable to reach server."

In dealing with comcast support today they wanted to contact spamcop to see if they would bend to comcast's will and change the ports they POP. I said, "Why do you need to speak to them, I already have."

FORWARDING, instead of POP'ing, is a much more elegant solution and will prevent lost mail.

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...FORWARDING, instead of POP'ing, is a much more elegant solution and will prevent lost mail.
Thanks for the heads-up, on behalf of Comcast users. Dumb question (not a CC user) - does/can spam/junk folder get forwarded as well as inbox?
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Thanks for the heads-up, on behalf of Comcast users. Dumb question (not a CC user) - does/can spam/junk folder get forwarded as well as inbox?

As long as Mailhosts are set and periodically checked.

YES spam is sorted from ham and goes to "held folder" for "VERY EASY REPORTING" (VER)

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