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Cannot log into IMAP mailserver as [me]

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Thanks. Would be nice if SC would mention this on their status page, which hasn't been updated since August 10.

Someone's gone to bed and thought all OK

I'm still trying to rid a malware popup (yieldmanager) Just won't go away

And i'm a expert :blush:

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after the upgrade finally made it, SC was working fine, but now it gives me this error message:

Cannot log into IMAP mailserver as <my email address>

i can report spam manually, but when i click "Held Email" i get this error message, instead of a list of my held email.

it was working until around noon or so yesterday, and now i can report spam manually, but i can't report held email, unless i log into webmail...

are others experiencing this problem? is it something the powers that be know about? is it something that is in my imagination?

help... :o

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