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abuse at google.com bounces


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There's almost certainly nothing I can do about this but it seems unbelievable so I needed to vent.

Tracking message source:
Routing details for
[refresh/show] Cached whois for : arin-contact[at]google.com
abuse[at]google.com bounces (99 sent : 118 bounces)
Using best contacts 
No reporting addresses found for, using devnull for tracking.

Really? abuse[at]google.com bounces?

And there's no other place I can report it to so... this guy just gets away with it?

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so... this guy just gets away with it?

...No, you have done your part to contribute to the statistics SpamCop uses to decide whether to place the spam source (outgoing e-mail IP address) on its blacklist. Sending a complaint to the Abuse address is just an extra little service SpamCop tries to provide. You could also try to send an abuse complaint directly to abuse[at]google.com -- sometimes services will bounce reports from SpamCop but not from individuals.
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There's almost certainly nothing I can do about this but it seems unbelievable so I needed to vent.

Tracking message source:
Routing details for
[refresh/show] Cached whois for : arin-contact[at]google.com
abuse[at]google.com bounces (99 sent : 118 bounces)
Using best contacts 
No reporting addresses found for, using devnull for tracking.

Really? abuse[at]google.com bounces?

And there's no other place I can report it to so... this guy just gets away with it?

Whats happened to CERT USA?

I gather their "report spam address is now

Email: soc [ at ] us-cert.gov ?


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  • 1 month later...
"I heard back from the Google team and they confirmed that they do use spam cop input for identifying spam as well as internal signals. In the meantime if the spam cop admin is not able to submit the reports, the reporting abuse form is the best option.

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So, did Google amend their ways or is this guy really just clueless?

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