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When will Yahoo and GMail stop their Conspiracy with Spammers


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If you are aware of a problem in multiples of thousands and do absolutely zip- zero about it and allow fraud and theft to take place- well I think a class action lawsuit might be in order  again these entities.


It does not take a genius to figure out that these examples (of hundreds) are not the email address of anyone on this planet: (ad0657j4nz0arvy41z6o54)@(4f2bc64.adviceselectivebat.com) ( ad065zydzt0bu04glhjhck)@(8afe03a.adviceselectivebat.com).


I have received hundreds of theses- all originating form a gmail related account and actually coming from the Chinese qq.com. All sexual nonsense about dating sites. Spamcops has reported this - well I have no idea how many times to axtelipmaster@gmail.com and qq (doubt they even care) and gmail does nothing. Yahoo will not adjust their filters, which they could for this and while I know better there are thousands or millions that do not that are being laid open to be taken advantage of.


Why do we not bind together and get one of many attorneys to file some law suits that put an end to some of this instead of just letting it go unabated.



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