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[Resolved] Bulk Reporting


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is there a Bulk spam Reporting facility on SpamCop? . . .Individually processing 200-300 SpamCop items per day is becoming laborious and kinda frustrating - Thanks for any help that may be forthcoming.


When you login to report a spam, there is a line " Forward your spam to: ..." followed by an email address submit.xxxxxx[at]spam.spamcop.net   (the xxxx is 16 'random' char)

You can send an email, using that unique address,  attach several (many) emails.  You will then receive emails with links to review the results and send the reports.


Thanks, LK  . . . apologies . . .I should have been clearer with my original post --- I already have employed the use of that to which you refer and am now past that stage and, as a direct result of filing the requisite info with Spamcop am now at that point of receiving numerous emails from SpamCop (numerous - because there were over 200 spam emails in the today's batches submitted to SpamCop) alerting me to the fact that :

         "[SpamCop] has accepted 12 emails for processing"     (each incoming SpamCop email lists approx "12" ready for processing)

So, LK, we are at the stage where, procedurally, I am now Logged In to SpamCop and preparing to check and verify [as being spam] each of those 200 individual spam emails . . . and, then, once satisfied, will proceed to hit the "Send spam Reports(s) Now" button . . .  repeating THAT same process over and over for every single one of the 200+ spam emails that I wish to 'report'.

It's a procedure I have been repeating for nigh on 15 years . . .  day in and day out.  

The routine seemingly never-ends when there are hundreds daily to deal with . . . it has become tedious work. . . frustrating . . . . time-consuming (today well over an hour).  

Today -- rather than give the whole thing up and say 'To hell with it all!" -- I was prompted to enquire whether SpamCop might already have introduced such a "Bulk Send spam Report(s) Now!" facility. . . a facility that would enable one (after the mandatory check and validate demanded of a SpamCop subscriber) to then hit a Bulk Send spam Report(s) Now link button.   

I have searched as much as SpamCop permits of their website for a solution - but none appears to exist . . . hence my last ditch appearance / appeal within the pages of this forum.

Obviously there is some reason why a Bulk Send spam Report(s) Now submission facility is not available . . . and, if I am not mistaken in my assumption that no such facility presently exist, I would be most interested to learn of the reason(s).

Thank you, LK, for the courtesy extended in taking time to respond to my initial post :-))


Have you read about "quick reporting"?  Although a search for quick reporting is hard to read and miss leading If you send your spam to "quick.spamcode@spam.spamcop.net" instead of submit.spamcode@..." you will not have to approve each one.

There are pros and cons to this approach.

  • You do not have to approve each spam submitted.  This is 'quicker' BUT also there is this risk that reports will be sent incorrectly.
  • Only the sender identified in the header will be notified. NO processing/reporting will be done for any links in the body of the spam.
  • ANY mistake you make attaching an email to forward to SpamCop will be reported as spam without a opportunity to correct the error.

Also look at your Report handling options to see options there.


Hmmmmmm . . . .

a. Yes, have already visited Report Handling Options ---  nothing there to further fine tune (for my purposes).

b. No, was not aware of 'quick.spamcode@spam.spamcop.net'

Using this 'quick' option would be attractive were it not for the fact that (and I'm slightly guessing at this point) 95% of my spam has faked senders "in the header" . . . and, therefore, were it to be employed, would prove totally ineffective (well, not totally --- there's that 5%).  

The preference would be for a speedier procedure whereby after approving each spam (as now) one could then, in effect, having parked them all into a "cart" (much like when purchasing items from, say, eBay) hit a Bulk Send spam Reports Now button.  


15 minutes ago, SwampRat44 said:

Using this 'quick' option would be attractive were it not for the fact that (and I'm slightly guessing at this point) 95% of my spam has faked senders "in the header" . . . and, therefore, were it to be employed, would prove totally ineffective (well, not totally --- there's that 5%).  

I failed to describe the process correctly.  Quick reporting goes through the same parser a any other spam submitted either by forwarding with a submit or using the webpage. However, with quick reporting the body is not evaluated for spamvertised links. 

a.  There is the option " Quick Data Reports " that does offer a related option, and a veiled clue to the "quick" reporting option.


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