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Unwanted purging of Trash Folder

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I had set the options of my account to purge the Trash folder of items over 28 days old.

Recently, I have been receiving a lot of false positives and wished to double check the contents of my Trash folder to make sure I'd not missed any mails. The folder only contained the last day's spam. I did the same today and all yesterday's contents had gone.

Has something changed? Is there a fault?

I have now temporarily disabled the purge option.

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I don't know if there was a change made, but a week or two ago, most complaints were that the trash folders were too large to deal with, causing timeout problems. JT may have forced a change.

That being said, my trash folder still has the 2+ days of trash on 38 pages in it that my setting indicates to be proper.

What Maintenance Operations options do you have set? Mine are below.

Perform maintenance operations on login? -checked-

Purge old message in the Trash folder? -checked-

Purge messages in Trash folder older than this amount of days. -2-

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Other conversation "here" have dealt with various "views" of Folder contents, some "sccreens" not in sync at one time, others empty when looked at "this" way, but over-stuffed when looked at "that" way ... an IMAP configuation seems to solve some of these issues, but ...

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