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How Do I Renew???

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My wife mentioned in passing that her SpamCop account will expire in a few days. So I logged on to her account to renew it.

I'll be darned if I can find a link ANYWHERE to let me do so. I know it exists...heck, I've renewed accounts several times...but it sure doesn't make itself obvious.

Can someone give me a URL to take me to a renewal form?

SUGGESTION: If a user is within a month of expiration, prominently display a link to allow them to "RENEW ACCOUNT"!

Thanks in advance,

Eric Longman

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First problem is trying to guess at which type of account you / your wife has ... if a Filtered e-mail account, I believe it's under a preferences setting ... and strangely, looking at the "new look" and "new security upgrade" .. it also appears that you've an "add Fuel" option under those Preferences.

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Thanks, zachariah, that's exactly what I was looking for.

Wazoo, I've looked high and low, and there's no "renew" or "add fuel" link anywhere that I can see. You're right; it's a "Filtered Email" account at $30/year.

Note to Spamcop (to reiterate): A prominently placed "Renew" button (at least one that shows up when you're within 60 days of expiration) would be an excellent modification to the site design!!

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  • 1 month later...

Having no reach to the web pages you mentioned, (though still wondering if there's a connection between me starting a Glossary here and Julian's recent change to the parser output page) ... but I would have sworn that I had added links to the FAQ "here" to include all the payment questions. Did you look or have some other recommendation as to how to better identify the links I used in this version of the FAQ?

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