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Fastest Reporting

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There are 2 major ways to quickly report your spam from Held Mail. To be safe, first configure the mailhost configuration for any email account that forwards into your spamcop account.

Try both of these out and see which works better for you. I find webmail easier to locate any false positives, but others have had the exact opposite finding. I receive almost 200 spam messages per day.

1. Webmail - settings can be adjusted to allow larger numbers of messages per screen. I use only 10 in webmail because I find I "space out" if there are too many per page and miss some valid messages and some bounces.

Log into webmail (http://webmail.spamcop.net/) and open Held Mail folder (pulldown in upper right hand corner). Click the unmarked box above the first message box to select all messages on the page. Browse down the page, unchecking any which should not be reported. Click the "Report as spam" link at the bottom of the page and click OK to the confirmation. Repeat for the next page if needed. You will receive approximately one confirmation email for each page of spam you report. You should scan through that confirmation to check for any reports that should not have gone through (specifically your ISP).

2. VER - locked at 100 messages per page and is not as organized into columns like webmail. Does provide the reason the message was held which can help determine valid messages. I use it only when on vacation with dialup when I report all spam once a day. Reporting 2 pages is quicker that reporting 20 pages.

Log onto VER (http://mailsc.spamcop.net/reportheld?action=heldlog/). Select action "Quick - report immediately and trash", click the "Check All" link. Browse down the page, unchecking any which should not be reported. Click the "Release / Delete selected messages" at the bottom of the screen. You will get an on-screen confirmation about messages reported/deleted with any remaining messages at the bottom of the screen. Repeat for the next page if needed. I don't think you get an email confirmation from the VER page but I don't use it too often.

Please try both of these methods and post your feeling on the differences and any modifications to these directions.

Good luck

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. I don't think you get an email confirmation from the VER page but I don't use it too often.

You do get an email confirmation from the VER page as well.

A 3rd method which I perfer, is to use IMAP (I do not like either the WebMail or VER interfaces for scanning mail (but to each his own)

I scan the list of held messages using OE and delete the ones that I do not want to report, then I go to the VER interface and quick report what is left. I find that I do have to do a screen refresh (even when first opening the VER interface) to get all the messages to display.

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