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Spamcop offers only wrong Smtp servers

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Read the Pinned items, read some of the other postings in this Forum. Take special note of things like "shared database" .. "for further assistance, contact ...."

Yes, folks that skip over the "Read before Posting" signs should have other opportunities, but .....

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I am going to expand on what Wazoo said, but noting that I fully agree with him, because you do raise a point that is not actually covered in the FAQ.

When I tried to register my account, Spamcop offered 3 server names but none of them is the one they use.
I am not sure how you can make that statement accurately. How do you know what mail server or servers your ISP is actually using to send your mail?

Are you taking the name that you entered into your mail client to access their SMTP server as the server that they are using to send your mail? If so, that may be an incorrect assumption. It is simply the server you use to access their SMTP services. It may announce itself with a different name when actually sending the mail.

Have you sent a test message to yourself and run that through the parser to determine what mail server was actually used?

If that mail server does not show up on the list then you may need seek additional help. But as Wazoo stated, do your homework first and read the FAQ. If you have already done so, accept my appoliges, but from your initial post it would appear that you have not.

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My ISP is one of the few who uses the same server for POP and SMTP. When I tried to register my account, Spamcop offered 3 server names but none of them is the one they use. What do I do next to register my account?


Go ahead and let the system send the probes; return the probes and when succesfully returned, try to parse a spam and look at the output and see if it parsed successfully. If in doubt post the tracking url here or write to me with the tracking url.

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