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"ISP has already taken action"


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Occasionally a reported spam shows the ISP ahs already taken action notice. Should I still send reports in that case? Or is it overkill? I don't want to bother ISPs any more than necessary.



...FWIW, what I do is to let SpamCop make that decision. That is, I submit the spam to the parser and do not change any of the check boxes when I send the reports, nor do I do any manual LARTing.
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Guess it's been too long since I parsed something without trying to look for someone else's problem .... but I seem to recall that "ISP has taken action" can result in different modes, depending on various other items ... was it the source of the spam, was it a spamvertised site, etc. One item would halt the flow of eports for 24 hours, then open up the flow upon the next complain ... another would offer up the possibility for a paid member to challenge the status of the "complaint flow stopped" (though the reporter was supposed to do some research before blindly clicking on the challenge button) .... So I'd rather see the specific item in question before trying to offer the "perfect" answer .... Tracking URL ????

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Q: How did you get the little orange return arrow when you quoted me? I don't see that option in the "build reply" area.



If you look at the bottom of the post you want to copy, at the far right you will see a button marked "reply" Click on that and you will get what you see at the top of this post.

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Q: How did you get the little orange return arrow when you quoted me? I don't see that option in the "build reply" area.


Use the Reply button .... this software calls it a "snapback" allowing you to click on the orange arrow and jump back to the actual quoted post. Not all that useful in general in these short discussions seen here .. probably great in a very active Topic such that one post is separated by several pages of other postings ...????

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.... but I seem to recall that "ISP has taken action" can result in different modes, depending on various other items ... was it the source of the spam, was it a spamvertised site, etc.  One item would halt the flow of eports for 24 hours, then open up the flow upon the next complain ... another would offer up the possibility for a paid member to challenge the status of the "complaint flow stopped" (though the reporter was supposed to do some research before blindly clicking on the challenge button) .... So I'd rather see the specific item in question before trying to offer the "perfect" answer .... Tracking URL ????


Luckily it was still in my browser cache:


It gives the "Reports already sent" response now, but at the time it had two checkboxes, one for the ISP and one for Cyveillence. Both defaulted checked.


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If you look at the bottom of the post you want to copy, at the far right you will see a button marked "reply"  Click on that and you will get what you see at the top of this post.


Snifty! Thanks. Much nicer than my old way of using the Add Reply button at the top, cutting n pasting text into manually added quote tags.


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Not all that useful in general in these short discussions seen here .. probably great in a very active Topic such that one post is separated by several pages of other postings ...????


I see your point, but I prefer to maintain threading information if possible.


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OK, looking at the Tracking URL, here are the lines in question;

ISP believes this issue is resolved http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl

ISP has already taken action against the account:http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl

http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl has been appealed previously.

It was a spamvertised site, and has already been appealed by someone ... presumption would be that the site is still up (premise that the user that appealed it checked to see) ... hmmmmm ... confusing ... (The report that did go out to abuse <at> tiscali.fr was because the spam was also sourced from this ISP, so the ISP only got the one report about sourcing the spam, as compared to the multiple complaints of both sourcing the spam and hosting the web-site) Site URL moved to itself, perhaps the previous redirection was what got changed..?? Technically, this site is useless (or it's blocking SamSpade <g>)

08/27/04 19:18:05 Browsing http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl

Fetching http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl ...

GET /adsl HTTP/1.1

Host: register.tiscali.fr

Connection: close

User-Agent: Sam Spade 1.14

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 00:18:07 GMT

Server: Apache

Location: http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl/

Connection: close

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1



<TITLE>301 Moved Permanently</TITLE>


<H1>Moved Permanently</H1>

The document has moved <A HREF="http://register.tiscali.fr/adsl/">here</A>.<P>


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I think the deal here is that the ISP considers themselves as an innocent bystander. Someone used their free e-mail system to spam. The URL is one of the advertisements that's inserted at the bottom of outgoing mail from the free users (just like hotmail, mail.com, etc). In this case, the ad was for their own ADSL service.

They're not going to take down their web page because someone sent spam using their free e-mail service. Hopefully, they took action and closed the account that was used to spam and are reviewing how to make their system less friendly to spammers.


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