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email report links necessary?


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How can I report spam without having to reply to emails with individual links for each redirected message? In the old reporting system, I could just send all junk email to you for processing. Was my free account treated as a mole before?, and now it isn't. Even though it's a free account, Preferences allowed me to change my user mode to mole. However, I continue to receive emails asking that I report each message.

How do I simplify this process? Do I need to re-register as a mole for this to take effect? What do you recommend?

- Ben

Mac OS X 10.3.5, Mail + SpamCop plugin

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In the current mode, mole reporting is pretty much useless. (See a Pinned item in the Announcements section.) So I find it hard to recommend this setting. There has simply been too much discussion about your first point to spend that much time on it again. If you are going to report at all, you must take the time to look at the parser output and make that decision as to whether you agree with it or not before hitting the "Send Reports" button. Your phrase "each redirected message" bothers me a bit ... there is no "redirection" ... spam is analyzed and targets for reports are offered up .... I'm not really sure what you might be referring to as "the old reporting system" ... there's been the addition of the Mail-Host configuration and a change in the login, but as far as I'm concerned, the reporting system itself hasn't changed .... Maybe once upon a time you had an account that allowed for quick-reporting, but your description of what, when, and why you are talking about "the old reporting system" and now talking about playing with settings in your Preferences ... are you leaving something out?

In general, the suggestion for this type of "complaint" is to mention that no one is forcing you to report everything ... pick something to key on, the first 10 spams, the porn spams, pick a subject and report those, trash the rest ....

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If you are refering to the fact that when you click on the email link to report a single spam, when that process is finished that the "report now" button does not appear and you have to click on the next email link; that is a result of the new login requirements (user name and password).

You do not have to click on the email link to report. Go directly to the web site and log in (cookie logins still work), then the "report now" will work. You do still have to report each message separately, but you do not have to keep going back to you local mail client to do it.

Also it you forward as an attachement and attach all the messages to a single mail, you will get only one confirming email back from SpamCop instead of one for each message sent.

Hope this helps.

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In terms of "redirection," I'm only referring to the behavior in Mail.app when the SpamCop plugin reports spam to SpamCop.net. I suppose the problem/change I'm experiencing would be resolved with an update to this plugin, so I have sent feedback to the author.

Good luck, though you might want to spend some time and actually visit the author's site. http://www.subsume.com/assembled/SpamCop.html ... or wander over and catch a Topic in the Lounge http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1767 .... not sure how much support you'll get from them these days.

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