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Windows update needed now


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For all you folks out there using Windows and dealing with JPEG (*.jpg) files ... (you know who you are, you surfers, you e-mail recipients, you newsgroup lurkers and posters, you web-site visitors, you internet users in general .. <g>) .. released today, allegedly no known exploits at this time (however, now that the "patch" is out, expect exploits real soon now) .... please hit the Microsoft Windows Update site as soon as you can get there ... for the situation, please see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/...n/ms04-028.mspx ... note that this problem can be set off by a fairly good sized set of Microsoft products and they include mentioning that third-party products that were developed using some of the Microsoft tool-sets/compilers may also set "you" up for this problem. What a mess.

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Also adding my thanks to you. Was just going to bed but decided to update my home machines since I' not sure how well MS's servers will be responding once this hits general knowledge. Luckily, I was already at SP2 here.

Gotta figure out my announcement at work, now.

Night...busy day before me tomorrow.

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On one hand, I feel a bit silly posting this crud, as "we know" that everyone (especially SpamCop folks) keep their stuff updated <g> ... just that reading the bulletin on this one and seeing the list of products included and that use of Microsoft tools for developing so much other stuff had such a wide open window ... (and just how far can one go without running into a .jpg file these days?) .... the prime portion of the fix being focused on one .dll file hints that it won't take long for someone to de-compile and sort out the differences and start work on the hack to "use" it ... yep, tomorrow is looking a bit bad, so many folks to talk to <g>

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I have a question about what systems are vulnerable.

The Security Bulletin provided in my first post includes a list of impacted software (only Microsoft products are anmed, but the list of other applications out there developed using Microsoft tools is bound to be a monster)

Someone I know has Windows 95 and IE 5.5 because something else won't work if you have IE 6
Actually, I believe that it's IE6 that won't run on Win-95.

Is this affecting them also?  They can't update without screwing up everything.

Extremely hard to say. The security bulletin mentions "versions of IE prior to IE6" but includes staements that certain versions were checked under certain OSs .... just pointing that technically, Win-95 is long dead. So the "easy" answer is that "this combo has not been tested" In one paragraph is the mention that even after applying this update, one can still be vulnerable by installing some other software that installs it's own version of certain files. And there's this:

Note: Versions of Windows and versions of Internet Explorer that are not listed in this article are no longer supported or not affected. Microsoft recommends that you upgrade to a supported version of Windows and of Internet Explorer, and then apply the appropriate update.

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