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Spamcop server


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Hi I would ask about Spamcop server .I received this report every second day .I haven't report spam long time .



SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
Message forwarded in html wrapper.

When forwarding spam, use a MIME attachment or text-type message with
the spam enclosed.  Do not send spam in HTML format.  Sometimes this
error is caused by using a "resend" feature to forward spam.

HTML spam should be sent in text (source code) format.

The email which triggered this auto-response had the following headers:
 Return-Path: <--->


Subject: Create your own energy at home!
Date: 07 Jul 2018 11:07:20 -0700
Message-ID: < >
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



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Kolor, The way I read what you have quoted,

36 minutes ago, kolor said:

SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
Message forwarded in html wrapper.

it is not the spam/email that is causing the problem.  It is the application you are using to forward the email that is causing the problem.

Check your email application and see if you can change the format from "html" to "text"

You may be able to look at the source of the email you sent to SpamCop using <ctrl>U   I believe you will see that the attachment is included within some html code, and have <p> </p> or <br> code inserted in the  header.

NOTE: I have edited your "quote" deleting the example header which reveals your email address, your secrete/private spamcop submit address, etc.

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12 hours ago, kolor said:

Hi I would ask about Spamcop server .I received this report every second day .I haven't report spam long time .



You say you haven’t reported spam in a long time, yet you receive those messages every 2nd day...

Did you change jobs and left your reporting email saved at your last place? Someone who works there now might be reporting the spam to that address.

11 hours ago, Lking said:

Kolor, The way I read what you have quoted,

it is not the spam/email that is causing the problem.  It is the application you are using to forward the email that is causing the problem.

Check your email application and see if you can change the format from "html" to "text"

You may be able to look at the source of the email you sent to SpamCop using <ctrl>U   I believe you will see that the attachment is included within some html code, and have <p> </p> or <br> code inserted in the  header.

NOTE: I have edited your "quote" deleting the example header which reveals your email address, your secrete/private spamcop submit address, etc.

The email address that was in the original message might give a clue who received and submitted the spam. There might be a link with the reporting ID. It is possible as well, that the reporting entity is receiving the spam through a google account and SpamCop is choking on the 6to4 IPv6 address in the Received: line.

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9 hours ago, kolor said:

I change password for my spamcop account .I have Gmail account I just copy spam and put on spamcop website form .

And I don't reported any spam maybe about 30 days.

I see this "" Your average reporting time is: 7 hours; Great! """ I have not sent any spam for 30 days.??


Here, a SpamCop admin should be able to help you.

Since you do not report spam via “super sekret email” that SpamCop created for you when you signed up, someone else is sending spam reports to that email address.

It’s the address that you find where you submit spam after you login.

Forward your spam to: submit.A-long-funny-looking-address@spam.spamcop.net

Or maybe some spammer is sending spam to that address and SpamCop thinks it’s a report but doesn’t find the spam inside...


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Today the same .I not submit any spam report .


SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:

Return-Path: <bounce+837a0e.c5bb4-submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=spam.spamcop.net@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com>
Received: from vmx.spamcop.net (prod-sc-smtp3.sv4.ironport.com [])
        by prod-sc-app011.sv4.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2DF1D2204B
        for <submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@spam.spamcop.net>; Mon,  9 Jul 2018 21:00:44 -0700 (PDT)
Authentication-Results: vmx.spamcop.net; dkim=pass (signature verified) header.i=@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com
X-IronPort-AV: E=McAfee;i="5700,7163,8682"; a="1233028008"
X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.43,368,1503385200";
Received: from z12.mailgun.us ([])
  by vmx.spamcop.net with ESMTP; 09 Jul 2018 21:00:44 -0700
DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha256; v=1; c=relaxed/relaxed;
 d=newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com; q=dns/txt; s=smtp; t=1531195243;
 h=Content-Transfer-Encoding: Content-Type: Mime-Version: Message-Id:
 Date: Subject: To: From: Reply-To: Sender;
 bh=yxAjA8EUHVNlco48AGH23HoMlERvGE1P2GgrTpb4X5U=; b=OMy9nTych5HWjavsQa9kj+t6upQHGTcOBLVwIBnWXfv4/yNyfRLYuO/LsrFAwAwPNg8U/tLW
X-Mailgun-Sid: WyI3MWQ5MCIsICJzdWJtaXQuNzVzOGcyOWpqenh5cWprdkBzcGFtLnNwYW1jb3AubmV0IiwgImM1YmI0Il0=
Sender: Finance=forexmega.com@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com
Received: from forexmega.com (dsl. []) by
 mxa.mailgun.org with ESMTP id 5b442f6a.7f32058f6ab0-smtp-out-n03; Tue, 10
 Jul 2018 04:00:42 -0000 (UTC)
Reply-To: Finance@forexmega.com
From: Finance@forexmega.com
To: submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@spam.spamcop.net
Subject: We've sent $5,627.37 (Secure Immediately)
Date: 10 Jul 2018 12:00:25 +0800
Message-Id: <20180710120025.71C14AAE114ED1A4@forexmega.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


You just received a payment instalment of $5,627.37

Just follow these simple steps to withdraw it to your

checking account today!







The email which triggered this auto-response had the following headers:
 Return-Path: <bounce+837a0e.c5bb4-submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=spam.spamcop.net@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com>
Received: from vmx.spamcop.net (prod-sc-smtp3.sv4.ironport.com [])
        by prod-sc-app011.sv4.ironport.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2DF1D2204B
        for <submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxx@spam.spamcop.net>; Mon,  9 Jul 2018 21:00:44 -0700 (PDT)
Authentication-Results: vmx.spamcop.net; dkim=pass (signature verified) header.i=@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com
X-IronPort-AV: E=McAfee;i="5700,7163,8682"; a="1233028008"
X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.43,368,1503385200";
Received: from z12.mailgun.us ([])
  by vmx.spamcop.net with ESMTP; 09 Jul 2018 21:00:44 -0700
DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha256; v=1; c=relaxed/relaxed;
 d=newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com; q=dns/txt; s=smtp; t=1531195243;
 h=Content-Transfer-Encoding: Content-Type: Mime-Version: Message-Id:
 Date: Subject: To: From: Reply-To: Sender;
 bh=yxAjA8EUHVNlco48AGH23HoMlERvGE1P2GgrTpb4X5U=; b=OMy9nTych5HWjavsQa9kj+t6upQHGTcOBLVwIBnWXfv4/yNyfRLYuO/LsrFAwAwPNg8U/tLW
X-Mailgun-Sid: WyI3MWQ5MCIsICJzdWJtaXQuNzVzOGcyOWpqenh5cWprdkBzcGFtLnNwYW1jb3AubmV0IiwgImM1YmI0Il0=
Sender: Finance=forexmega.com@newsletter.unitedbroadcast.com
Received: from forexmega.com (dsl. []) by
 mxa.mailgun.org with ESMTP id 5b442f6a.7f32058f6ab0-smtp-out-n03; Tue, 10
 Jul 2018 04:00:42 -0000 (UTC)
Reply-To: Finance@forexmega.com
From: Finance@forexmega.com
To: submit.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@spam.spamcop.net
Subject: We've sent $5,627.37 (Secure Immediately)
Date: 10 Jul 2018 12:00:25 +0800
Message-Id: <20180710120025.71C14AAE114ED1A4@forexmega.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



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Kolor, I believe RobiBue is correct; your privet 16 character submit code has been compromised.  I have edited your post above which again exposed your 16 character code.

Go to <Browse><Staff> above and click on "Richard W" to send him an email requesting a change/update to your reporting account.

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I suggested a more direct path;

1. go to the top of this screen.

2. with the "Browse" tab highlighted, "Staff" is one of the options. Click on "Staff"

3. On the second row of the Staff Directory you will see "Richard W"

4. Under his name is a 'message' icon.  click on that to send Richard a private message to explain your current spamcop problem.


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