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Mailhost changing

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My IP has many server names and I can not regestor them all.

examples are:








all the way up to relay 4 and san2.



all the way up to relay 4 and nyc2

This casues a lot of spam coming back as forgerys. how can I get all these nemed registered?


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no, been there done that :blink:


...Then I'm not really sure what your problem is. Pinned: MailHosts System Beta Test Invitation reads, in part,
For users with only one email address, the process is easy. Simply click the Add/Change link below and follow the instructions.
Pinned: Mailhosts - definitions reads, in part,
Mail-hosts simplified

What you will see when you look at a mailhost:

1: the general name of the mailhost as established in the spamcop files. This name is somewhat arbitrary and as the name for a given set of servers (ex. earthlink servers) is set by the first person to register them the name might not be what you expect. If the name is seriously strange it can be changed by writing to deputies <at> spamcop.net.

2: the list of mail servers used by the mailhost. This may include specific mailsever names as well as domain names.

3: the IP addresses of the relays used by the mailhost. Not all IPs are necessarily listed; if DNS/rDNS/DNS is correct then the server may be identified by the domain name.


"Hosts/Domains" is a bit confusing.

What it actually is, is a list of the names of the various mail servers utilized by the "Mailhost name" Those names appear in a drop down list.

Note: not all domains handled by the mailhost may be listed in the drop down list!!!!

Pinned: Mailhost Issues - please read before posting reads, in part,
If you have problems with mailhosts -- 1) registering new hosts; 2) returning probes; 3) spam parses or other issues you may post in this forum. However other than very general responses I will need you to write to deputies <at> spamcop.net with "mailhosts" in the subject line.
...Is there something else you were hoping to see that isn't there?
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My IP has many server names and I can not regestor them all.

examples are:








all the way up to relay 4 and san2.



all the way up to relay 4 and nyc2

This casues a lot of spam coming back as forgerys. how can I get all these nemed registered?



How many different domain names are you receiving mail from/to?

Each domain name should be registered separately.

Multiple email names at the same domain name do not need to be registered.

If you have any email forwarding going on, it is extremely important that the domains be registed in the correct order.

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