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Earthlink now blocked?


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It seems all of Earthlink is now blocked. Is their a reason or is there problems? I checked the ip address in my mail server logs, but SC doesn't show any reasons as to why it is blocked out.

Please explain as it is affecting our customers from getting email to us.

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Specifically the server at


When accessing this report, the following is displayed.

(Help) (Trace IP) (Senderbase lookup) listed in bl.spamcop.net (

Causes of listing

Additional potential problems

(these factors do not directly result in spamcop listing)

Listing History

It has been listed for less than 24 hours.

Other hosts in this "neighborhood" with spam reports

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Looks like your IP is showing a large increase in volume:

Report on IP address: 

Volume Statistics for this IP 

Magnitude Vol Change vs. Average

Last day 5.4 10543%

Last 30 days 4.5 1206%

Spew other than regular mail must creep its way out of that IP (i.e. spam).

Examples of spam in your neighbourhood:


<p>Busty brunette strips green silk panties</p>

Need I say more?

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I'm really ticked off about Earthstink constantly getting blocked by spam Cop -- and I am a PAID spam Cop member. They should at least be able to figure out that a reply to an e-mail couldn't possibly be spam. Earthstink rotates the IP, so many people share the same IP, and if I sign off and log in again, I'll probably get a different IP. When it comes to something like Earthstink, which has thousands of users, there ought to be a way to block a specific e-mail addy, not the whole ISP!

I AM ANGRY (that's why I'm shouting!)


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I'm really ticked off about Earthstink constantly getting blocked by spam Cop -- and I am a PAID spam Cop member.  They should at least be able to figure out that a reply to an e-mail couldn't possibly be spam.  Earthstink rotates the IP, so many people share the same IP, and if I sign off and log in again, I'll probably get a different IP.  When it comes to something like Earthstink, which has thousands of users, there ought to be a way to block a specific e-mail addy, not the whole ISP! 

I AM ANGRY (that's why I'm shouting!)



Please remember that the entire IP is never block by SpamCop, only the specific IP addresses that are reported as sending spam and each one of them is figured separately.

The majority of the spam going through Earthlink is most likely coming from compromised personal computers using a DSL or Cable connection.

Until Earthlink is able to fix the problem on their end you will need to work with those who you send mail to in an attempt to help them white list you email address.

Also remember that most blocking is done at the receiving end and now recently also some blocking is being done at the sending end in an attempt to reduce spam.

Just for the record, I also use Earthlink as my primary SMTP server and have not experienced any problems to date. Nearly all of my incoming mail goes through the Earthlink servers being forwarded to my SpamCop email account.

Earthstink rotates the IP, so many people share the same IP, and if I sign off and log in again, I'll probably get a different IP.
Not quite sure what you are trying to say here. The IP number that Earthlink assigns to you as a dynamic IP number has no effect on blocking. It is the server IP number that gets blocked, unless you are trying to run a SMTP server using a high speed dynamic IP address. If that is the case then you will have other problems as well since many IPS will not accept mail that is generated from a dynamic IP address SMTP server
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Complaints also raised over in the newsgroups (though some of them don't make too much sense) got this response from Ellen;

There are a couple or so apparent EL pop servers listed -- we have written

to EL to try to resolve this problem.


For the flip side of that approach, Merlyn offered;

Earthlink has a spam problem.  Talk to you earthlink support person and

point them to: http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/listings.lasso?isp=earthlink.net

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The amount of spam that, until very recently, was relayed throughh EL staggered me. I noticed that they were refusing munged reports as well - something which, to me, only means that they don't take the issue seriously enough.

It's hardly any wonder that they end up with blocked IPs.

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I AM ANGRY (that's why I'm shouting!)



You may be angry, but you're angry at the wrong people. Go shout at Earthlink and tell them to find a better way to block outgoing spam. It's not that hard to setup a reasonable message per hour rate that acceptable to the average user but too restrictive for spammers. That'll at least help prevent their SMTP servers from getting on the list. As far as zombie machines, well if you're trying to send mail from a dynamic IP you've got other problems as mentioned above.

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