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Michigan Spammers


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Why don't these reporters go after spammers that are known to run in Michigan other then the major one that everyone knows about? I know of at least 1 that sends out over 10 mil e-mails a day and doesn't follow the can-spam laws but yet the reporters won't respond to e-mails about them.

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I take it you are in MI - whereabouts???

If you correspond with any reporters have them check out this spammer:

canonical name jmb1.swelldeals123.com.




Grandpas Specials

43311 Joy Road <--- (Mail Boxes Etc.)

# 194

Canton, MI 48187


7346588640 <--- His actual phone number

Domain Name: SWELLDEALS123.COM

Also: jmb1.swelldeals123.com jmb2.swelldealsall.com jmb3.swelldealsfyi.com jmb4.swelldealsdaily.com

Real pondscum, part of the xeex.com spamhaus:

See: http://www.spamhaus.org/sbl/sbl.lasso?query=SBL20118

I have other MI spammers also..........

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Rather not say where in michigan other then Northern. I know of a few others that used to operate in Southfield and also in Rochester. The Rochester spammer has moved but is still going strong I assume since that's all he knows other then his adult crap.

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Michigan reporters such as Mike Wendland are the one's I'm talking about.


...There is a Mike Wendland who is a respected IT writer for the Detroit Free Press (see Detroit Free Press: Mike Wendland. Maybe there's a spammer forging his identity? Or are you asking why Mike doesn't go after spammers who are known to be based in Michigan? If the latter, have you asked him (mwendland <at > freepress <dot> com)?

...He has also done at least one story on Phishing (MIKE WENDLAND: Don't get taken hook, line and sinker.

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I'm guessing it's because a reporter's primary purpose is to report news, not to harass spammers, or even to follow up on every tip.

If you do in fact have concrete, verifiable evidence of crimes being committed, talking to a reporter is not necessarily your best option. If you get some spammer arrested, I'll bet you'll see an article about it.

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I'm guessing it's because a reporter's primary purpose is to report news, not to harass spammers, or even to follow up on every tip.

If you do in fact have concrete, verifiable evidence of crimes being committed, talking to a reporter is not necessarily your best option.  If you get some spammer arrested, I'll bet you'll see an article about it.


Not Mike Wendlend :) He's a local Detroit reporter that goes after the pondscum that lives in our area. He once went after pedophiles who thought they were picking up 13 year olds on the internet. It was very funny(their faces) yet disturbing to see so many idiots walking to the door thinking they were about to get lucky with an underage girl.

Now I don't consider spammers to be that bad of pondscum(unless that is what they are peddling), but I think this kinda story is right up his alley. It's news cause spam effects all of us everyday, and most of us are pissed about it. I know I'd watch it.



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