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Spam sent to reporting address


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Over the last couple of days I've found spam in my inbox because they're now spamming the spam-reporting address. It seems to be bypassing the whitelist I have. (I run a strict whitelist, so anything not on the whitelist should be getting held, but I searched my whitelist and couldn't see that email address anywhere.)

Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone have suggestions on how I can block this so it's stopped at held mail, without restricting spamcop?

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Yes, block all is still checked. I've not altered anything. If it's not on the whitelist, it shouldn't have been getting through.

Ellen, thanks for the link - I think that's what's happened to me. It was a shorter number than you're currently on, something like 8 digits. I haven't had any today, so hopefully they're gone now. It was quite a shock though - I'm not used to finding spam in my inbox anymore!

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