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What's the Keyserver SC syncs PGP/GPG key to?

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Hi, I'm curious as to what keyserver the SC webmail function for PGP syncs to. It's not in the "help" :blink: and searching for keyserver in the forums yielded no search results. Also, a list or link of common keyservers would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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How familiar with PGP are you? What are you using at present? What keyservers are already included in that tool? When you say PGP, you are inferring the tool done up by Phil Zimmerman, later picked then dropped by Network Associates, and now under new management yet again .. but there are also many varialtions on the theme, PGPi. GPG, etc ....

Quick answer is taken here from a local copy of PGP 7 ....

//There are a number of public key servers, such as the one maintained by Network Associates, Inc., where you can locate the keys of most PGP users. If the recipient has not pointed you to the Web address where their public key is stored, you can access any key server and search for the user’s name or email address (all key servers are regularly updated to include the keys stored on all the other servers).//

If you are dealing with "public" servers, the "critical" bit of data is in that last line ..which is also what makes it damn hard to remove a key ...

So, no, I don't have the specific data you're asking for, but the last time PGP came up, I was under the impression that it wasn't available/working with the Hord/IMP thing. If it is in fact working, then I will just point to that technically, the specific servers shouldn't be that critical, again, pointing to the above data that public keyring servers share all their data, so just hitting any of them "should" bring back a response (if the other party's keys are out there)

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I'm not that familiar with PGP. I installed PGP 8.1 freeware for Windows. (yes, i'm still a slave to windows.) I had created a keyring and key using that, but it doesn't work with thunderbird which i recently started using. So I imported my keyring into the SC webmail and wanted to just upload my key(s) also, but it didn't work out right. So I created a keypair using SC and even used the 'Send Key to Public Keyserver' option for the public key. I'm just wondering which one it uses. PGP uses ldap://keyserver.pgp.com and ldap://europe.keys.pgp.com:11370.

In the meantime I discovered that there is a program for Thunderbird that can do the same thing Enigmail with GnuPG. Right now I'm working on getting that to work. It uses the servers at: random.sks.keyserver.penguin.de, pgp.dtype.org, ldap://certserver.pgp.com, keyserver.kjsl.com.

PGP Public Keyring Help

Sean C (<me>[at]spamcop.net) [View] [Details] [Delete]Help

Your PGP Public/Private Keys Help

Your Public Key: [View] [Details] [send Key to Public Keyserver]

Your Private Key: [Enter Passphrase] [View] [Details]

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OK, so you're going to be pretty knowledgable by tomorrow morning it appears <g>

PGP working with Thunderbird may happen in the future, but .... I haven't kept up with that to be honest. Just recognizing that Thunderbird is still very new ...

Based on that I believe you said that you have in fact uploaded a key to somewhere ... then in a bit, it should be all over <g> By the time you get the GPG version up and running, you should be able to find your key "out there" ... not sure if you'd want to provide any data for someone else to take a look for you ... definitely your call there.

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Well, still no idea where it was uploaded to by SC, but i downloaded the keypair and imported it into GPG. Not sure if that will matter much really as I don't know anybody that uses either GPG or PGP. In any case I've uploaded the key to a couple keyservers.

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