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What do do with Amazon hosted spammers


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39 minutes ago, MIG said:

Hey HeatherReid43,

I think you've covered all bases. There's also an online but (imo) it's painful, much easier to forward the email  to those address & any reporting authorities you choose...


AWS reqiure a copy and past of headers and body in spam report. with IP addresses above headers

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On 4/24/2019 at 6:59 PM, RobiBue said:

I like Idea #2!, especially if everybody is on-board.

a) it would convince amazon to clean up their act with spammers and hosting them,
b) especially if they start losing legitimate clientele :)

The sad part is many folks are not willing to part with their perks in order to block the spams.  Probably not very many business would change either.


6 hours ago, HeatherReid43 said:

. email-abuse at amazon.com 

. ipmanagement at amazon.com

I did notice spamcop has been sending reports to the ipmanagment address.

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15 hours ago, gnarlymarley said:

Part with perks in order to block the spams.

This is a general observation:

How about SCF has a [pinned] topic/table: Email addresses, for the purpose of collecting all "helpful" email addresses that we can use (that the parser does not identify), and, given there's only one additional SC Parser To: field that an address can be manually added to,  many of us, take further action on spam, (like forwarding to x & x & xxx ..) after, we utilised SCP?

I know I've been helped many times by finding email addresses in the SCF posts.

If all those addresses were collated in a table it would be most useful (imo).


GH happy to do the grunt work if anyone is warm to the idea but time poor.

Be kind x🦗

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/27/2019 at 8:38 AM, MIG said:

This is a general observation:

How about SCF has a [pinned] topic/table: Email addresses, for the purpose of collecting all "helpful" email addresses that we can use (that the parser does not identify), and, given there's only one additional SC Parser To: field that an address can be manually added to,  many of us, take further action on spam, (like forwarding to x & x & xxx ..) after, we utilised SCP?

I know I've been helped many times by finding email addresses in the SCF posts.

If all those addresses were collated in a table it would be most useful (imo).


GH happy to do the grunt work if anyone is warm to the idea but time poor.

Be kind x🦗

Yea that would be a great idea since Spamcop is to lazy to change dead abuse addresses by themselves.

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Having some kind of table for us to use does sound like it might have some merit. There's also a section of this forum that some contributors use to submit updates and corrections. under Spamcop Reporting Help -> Routing/Report Address issues

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4 hours ago, lisati said:

Having some kind of table for us to use does sound like it might have some merit. There's also a section of this forum that some contributors use to submit updates and corrections. under Spamcop Reporting Help -> Routing/Report Address issues

Hey Klappa & Lisati, 

Yep, the SCR Help R&RA is there, is a good resource, and (my understanding) is that it's for corrections, whereas, G🦗sees the pinned table as a repository of additional addresses, built from info posted by SCF members who, every so often mention (an address) as being an effective end point when they reached out for assistance with knocking off a spammers head🤬 

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On 5/17/2019 at 2:31 PM, lisati said:

Having some kind of table for us to use does sound like it might have some merit. There's also a section of this forum that some contributors use to submit updates and corrections. under Spamcop Reporting Help -> Routing/Report Address issues


Though I would like this access, I would prefer not to give spammers more access than they really need.

On 5/17/2019 at 7:17 PM, MIG said:

Yep, the SCR Help R&RA is there, is a good resource, and (my understanding) is that it's for corrections,

While it would be nice to be able to correct addresses in our own table, it is not a good idea to open it up to people that are using the forums to put in their spam, or even to paste in bad abuse addresses.  Forum spam posted in the R&RA is why I like the deputies to act as a double check what shows up there.

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Hello All, 

The idea for an address table/pinned topic, was not that it was open to anyone to post the info, rather it was/is a repository of all "effective/helpful" addresses SC parser is not identifying, managed by SCFA.

(I offered to do the grunt work if SCF Admins or whomever currently carries the work/maintenance burden wanted some willing assistance). This translates to, the table/topic existing, any identified addresses forwarded to SCFA who'd then update the table/pinned topic.

Cheers G🦗

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4 hours ago, MIG said:

(I offered to do the grunt work if SCF Admins or whomever currently carries the work/maintenance burden wanted some willing assistance). This translates to, the table/topic existing, any identified addresses forwarded to SCFA who'd then update the table/pinned topic.

I am just trying to understand.  So if I understand correctly, you are offering to update the current tables that Don D'Minion (I haven't seen him for a while) used to update such as can be seen at https://www.spamcop.net/sc?action=showroute;ip=;typecodes=16?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/20/2019 at 12:30 AM, MIG said:

No, I wasn't referring to https://www.spamcop.net/sc?action=showroute x

I was suggesting a pinned topic/table exist in SC Forum, collating addresses that SC doesn't identify BUT SC members have shown to be effective spam fighting endpoints.


Yeah, that does need to be updated.  I have seen occasional updates there, which could be Richard doing the updates.  I would probably suggest more than one person who can do those updates.

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On 5/29/2019 at 10:01 AM, gnarlymarley said:

I have seen occasional updates there

This also does pose a question since much of the updates (such as the IP shows) are manually entered from whois.  I believe should be automatically picked up from the whois system.  If the programmers could fix whois, I do not believe it will fully eliminate manual entries.  However, that would greatly reduce the amount of manual entries.

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2 hours ago, gnarlymarley said:

This also does pose a question since much of the updates (such as the IP shows) are manually entered from whois.  I believe should be automatically picked up from the whois system.  If the programmers could fix whois, I do not believe it will fully eliminate manual entries.  However, that would greatly reduce the amount of manual entries.

Can you explain a bit more please GarlyMarly? (cause I'm not following). The table table/pinned topic I'm "promoting" is for email addys that SC NEVER identifes and NEVER will: addresses like FTC, IDPhishing, Petzl's mentioned a few good ones, Certificate agencies (I think) I keep meaning to ask him if there's more? The pinned topic/table idea came about bc "you" made a comment along the lines of "useful info" that "we" need to share, "we" being everybody and also, I stumble across email info in the forum every other fortnight... so I figured, rather than having to do laborious searches everytime I try to remember "what was that really helpful x?", a topic/table would sort the stuff🤔 I don't know that anyone other than you & me thinks it's got legs so I might just create a ss and when it's done share it & if needs updating do that whenever required... 

Anyway, let us know please?

Thanks G🦗🙏

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On 6/2/2019 at 4:26 AM, MIG said:

The table table/pinned topic I'm "promoting" is for email addys that SC NEVER identifes and NEVER will

I will explain further.

Yes, I believe this does need to be updated as long as SC  is not identifying the proper email addys.  I also believe we should be able to figure out "why SC is not identifying the proper source" and we should be able to fix it.

The "NEVER will" part needs human intervention with "both" the programmers to fix SC and also putting manual entries.  I believe if SC could be fixed, it would automatically determine "most of the proper addys", but there would still be a smaller percentage that needs to be manually entered (due to bad whois or some other circumstance).

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The vast majority of the spam I receive are hosted by amazon, with the senders domian "livedeals" or "bluedeals", I've lost count of the number of emails I've forwarded to abuse@amazon, just then to receive a standard reply, it also seems next to impossible to engage in a conversation with amazon.

I've started posting on amazons twitter page in hope they might deal with this issue, i'm also pondering the idea of posting on Andy Jassy twitter page. In the past I received  a lot of spam hosted by OVh, they did nothing until I approached their CEO via twitter

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6 minutes ago, TomosJ said:

The vast majority of the spam I receive are hosted by amazon, with the senders domian "livedeals" or "bluedeals", I've lost count of the number of emails I've forwarded to abuse@amazon, just then to receive a standard reply, it also seems next to impossible to engage in a conversation with amazon.

I've started posting on amazons twitter page in hope they might deal with this issue, i'm also pondering the idea of posting on Andy Jassy twitter page. In the past I received  a lot of spam hosted by OVh, they did nothing until I approached their CEO via twitter

I forgot to mention they all contain links to marocvps.com and hostoweb.com, I've never clicked on any of the links so not sure what they contain

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