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Daily spam coming in pairs:


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Well, the Rolex spams have really tapered off. Now, my spammiest spammers are with this subject line:

1. Cheating House Wife Services

2. Heyz Darling

I think they're related because they are always grouped in twos (one Heyz... and one Cheating... back-to-back) several times per day.

They are using various return addresses (spoofed), various email addresses (spoofed) and various relay servers.

Let's shut these guys down! Report, report, report!

I know some of you are selective in what you report, so please add these to your reporting list if you are getting them.

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Well, the Rolex spams have really tapered off. Now, my spammiest spammers are with this subject line:

1. Cheating House Wife Services

2. Heyz Darling

I think they're related because they are always grouped in twos (one Heyz... and one Cheating... back-to-back) several times per day.

They are using various return addresses (spoofed), various email addresses (spoofed) and various relay servers.

Let's shut these guys down! Report, report, report!

I know some of you are selective in what you report, so please add these to your reporting list if you are getting them.


I do report them, and they are annoying, I often drop by my filter box in the middle of a spam run, I got 5-8 simultaneous copies of cheating houswives almost simultaneously today..as if it was a broken software.. These idiots never fail...

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Another curious thing about Cheating House Wife Services is that the past couple of days they've starting sending

ten spams with no text in body

then one of their regular spam in text body

the one with additional nonsense text appended to their standard body text.

When I see patterns like this I start thinking their doing a challenge and response thing: They'll send 10 with no text in body to condition your anti-spam measures to respond a certain way...then they'll slip in their regular spam...and then once you're conditioned they move in for the kill with their extra special spam.

I don't know if they're trying to condition us and fool us, or if it's some way to drive their numbers up so they get more per piece from their sponsor (the one paying for the spam).

Oh, and I did have a short run of virus spams this week but only about ten total and then it died off. Nothing like the slugfest they put me through earlier this year when it was dozens per day for weeks and months.

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Oh well..now they switched from dozens of jack rabbit vibrator/day to :


Allow me to present the latest discover

in pleasure devices for men's!!

The sex toy is a portable, concealable,

sturdy MALE masturbation device that our customers describe as

"Awesome", "Amazing", and "Ingenious".

I guess they figured Valentine's Day is coming up...

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