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3 hours ago, salfordian said:

Over the past few weeks from absolutely no where I've started getting loads of spam from this network

Hello Salfordian,

Please post some SC Tracking URL's so that we may assist? 

Also, we need the actual URLs, not screen prints please?

& (it maybe just me), but, the topic heading ALMOST made me NOT look at your post, bc, so many spammers fill up SCF, I avoid "looking" at any post I think will be junk/spam of any kind, I thought for many long minutes before deciding on yours... Just sayin🤔


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I don't need assisting as I'm using SpamCop, it was a question rather than asking for help hence where I posted the 'question'


& (it maybe just me), but, the topic heading ALMOST made me NOT look at your post

I thought 'Discussions & Observations' was the correct place however I didn't think such an arrogant ____ would reply, it's a shame the moderation team doesn't try making this place more friendly.


PS just in case you haven't worked it out yet I wish you hadn't looked at my post as you clearly only replied to troll, do you spend lots of time here waiting to for people to post so you can be like this with them

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2 hours ago, salfordian said:

PS just in case you haven't worked it out yet I wish you hadn't looked at my post as you clearly only replied to troll,

I think this is a misunderstanding we have a annoying spammer flooding the site with bougus spam and real messages can get overlooked
When one sends a report through SpamCop before you submit it there is a "Tracking URL" at top of page.
Good idea to show it and your query can be understood better.
You should be able to go to "Past reports" TAB and reparse a pevious report to get this tracking URL
Here is one of mine
Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:


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22 hours ago, salfordian said:

Over the past few weeks from absolutely no where I've started getting loads of spam from this network, all the spammers seem to be flocking to them because they don't take any action, has anyone else noticed this?

sorry, can't say I've noticed, but as Petzl mentioned, a tracking URL might be helpful.

Petzl is not a troll, he might just have had a bad day with all the spam in the forum (it goes away after an admin browsed through it, but the TZ between OZ and US difference keeeps the spam visible much longer for him...)

anyway, the past reports can be found here when logged in (same as the link/tab [Past Reports])

(p.s. that's TZ for Time Zone, OZ for Down Under, and US for a Colorado/Rockies location or something like that ;))

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I know Petzl, & few SC others, you salfordian, on the other hand, have a bit of a "questionable" rep, shall we say.

Looking at previous posts is an absolute baseline for ANY person with ANY technical exposure/nouse.

What are you afraid of? 

If you'd pull your head out of wherever it is you'd see Petzl didn't ask ?s to your so called "general observation question".

If you're going to name call at least target the offender. 

You're a tad defensive salfordian, one wonders why?

Well actually I would, but, I can't be bothered.



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It's "later", so another observation for you salfordian, the "topic heading" I referred to was YOUR "topic heading..."

Based on this topic & your previous, you have "tude", that & paranoia are treatable conditions, seek help.



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  • Lking changed the title to rir-abuse{AT}oath{DOT}com

This thread has gotten out of hand.  I am locking the thread so everyone has an opportunity to take a deep breath.

We try to keep this forum civil.  Strong feelings about a subject, the facts and opinions are understandable.  Please keep opinions about other members of this forum to your self. They are not appropriate here (Positive views, thank yous are acceptable).

As for the comment(s) that may have gotten the whole thing off the track: As moderator, based on the Subject I did move the OP to "spam purgatory"  where I read the post and then moved the post back to the Lounge.

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