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Setting up news.spamcop.net in OE6


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I have OE6 set up to read news.spamcop.net Newsgroups; Spamcop, Spamcop.help, spamcop.mail, and spamcop.spam. I can upload and read posts but I can't post a message or reply.

"Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'Test', Account: 'news.spamcop.net', Server: 'news.spamcop.net', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 From: address not in Internet syntax', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9"

Is there something I should be looking at?

TIA :blink:

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Thanks...I thought that maybe noone read the Testing section.


...You posted one of these to the Testing forum? One of the moderators may have moved it, then, because I found these both in the SpamCop Lounge forum.

...Test would definitely have been the wrong place to post this if you wish to receive a helpful reply.

...EDIT Oops, I see that the other post is, indeed, in the Test forum.

...Wazoo / StevenUnderwood: Rather than merging this post into that one, it would probably be better to merge that one into this one so the thread remains in the Lounge.

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...You posted one of these to the Testing forum?  One of the moderators may have moved it, then, because I found these both in the SpamCop Lounge forum.

...Test would definitely have been the wrong place to post this if you wish to receive a helpful reply.


The link you gave above is to the one I posted in testing....????

I'll delete it! DARN...I can't delete Testing items....GRRR !! :rolleyes:

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The problem over in test was that the post in question was also the Topic starter, so there's another internal flag setting involved. As all the following postings are 'keyed' to the Topic starter, allowing that one to be simply deleted would play havoc with the database link/pointers and such. Killed it for you.

Error message definition per Microsoft;

0x800CCCA9 NNTP_POST_FAILED .......... Unable to post to server

As usual, loads of help, huh? If I have to guess, I'd start with removing the SSL checkbox tick ... probably have to close OE and refire ....

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Thanks Wazoo. No SSL box ticked. Still can't post.

Those Newsgroups aren't on this board...or am I totally blind?

I just set it up the same way as my msnews.microsoft.com groups. It doesn't need a logon name and password does it?

Very frustrating as there's a really fascinating thread going on right now in Spamcop. :angry:

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I hope you're not talking about Cynthia's thread <g>

OE | Tools | Accounts | News | SpamCop selected | Properties

Server Name: news.spamcop.net

Connection: your call ... in general, leave blank

Server Port Number: 119 (rest of Advanced page unchecked)

OE | Tools | Options | Send

Uncheck - Reply to messages in the Format ...

News Sending Format - Plain Text

....Advanced - UUEncode / wrap at something around 70

Connection Tab - Check the "Ask before switching"

There are other 'security' settings, but for hitting the SpamCop newsgroups, the 'necessary' settings are above. Also skipped are the personal field settings.

Not included of course is the possibility of a firewall or routing issue. Some corporate policies include restricting access to certain traffic (though usually you wouldn't be able to read them if these settings were in place)

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Thanks...I just realised that I couldn't munge my email address the way I do it for the MS groups xxx AT blahblah DOT com. It has to be in recognisable format. So I used r2d2[at]news.spamcop.net is that OK?

In other words, it now works.


P.S. Yes, the now infamous Cynthia thread!!

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Recommended address (in the FAQ) is nobody <at> devnull.spamcop.net if you're not wishing to post "in the clear" ... please use a 'unique' Name: .... so as to distinguish your postings from the several hunderd other "nobody" users <g>

I believe poor Cynthia is a lost cause. I'm still lost at her "looked 'here'" remark, as the way I read it, the FAQ entry here is exactly what her complaint was about .. then again, there sure is a lot of confusion showing, some calling her the spammer for instance ...

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Just so you don't skip right over it ... way down on the bottom of http://www.spamcop.net/help.shtml .. found as the first page from the Help button on the www.spamcop.net (logged in) web page.

BTW: you just might mention in your post over there that "I never send people to the newsgroups from here" and that I fought you all the way to the wall to keep you from getting there <g> (check the "MORE spam?" thread for the last one on that principle)

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Gotcha! I only signed on last night and unfortunately did what I normally do with the MS groups, deleted all posts. So things are a bit sparse in the SC groups on my server.

My post, by the way, to spamcop.help hasn't as yet appeared. It's probably somewhere in Siberia enroute via Sheboygan as we speak. A second post to test appeared instantly..so the other one has gone to post heaven I guess. :lol:

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