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porn spam flood


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since a few weeks I've been getting porn spam in my "[at]spamcop.net" mail account... at first only a few... today I've received about 30 such mails...

anyone else has this problem? The weird thing is that I only gave this "[at]spamcop.net" address to limited people, and I don't think they 've 'abused' me :-)

Report History:

Edit: items listed here were removed ... the only thing of interest was the inclusion of the words "No reports filed" after each porn spam Subject line offered . something like a dozen or so ...

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Speaking of spam, why did you feel it necessary to post your question twice?

If you would check the threads you may note that people with helpful responses appear in most of the threads and you don't need to yell to get their attention.

As for you questions:

Why you? Your just lucky I guess or it could have to do with where you go on the web. Those who visit the red light district run a higher risk of STDs. Spammers are clever scum. They collect your name/address when you visit their sites. They may have been lucky the first time but after that you were a known target and every time you read one of their emails you reinforced their targeting. To slow down their attack you should use a firewall to block outgoing information you don't want to send and configure your mail reader to NOT display remote images. Why? because in the HTML of some of these slutty emils are bits of code that send your email address out when you open the email :ph34r: . This is a flag to the spewwer that your address is a "good" one and you get even more spam. If you don't display remote images and use you firewall you can stop the outgoing information.

On the other hand you could just have bad luck. Dayly my domain gets email addressed to mailboxes that have never been used here. These random name atacks sometimes get lucky. You open the email and they have an aha! experence and add a new address to their list (ref firewall above).

Then there is things like spybot and Ad-Aware programs to help make sure your computer is not helping others without your knowlege.

Be of good cheer, this too will pass B) .

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since a few weeks I've been getting porn spam in my "[at]spamcop.net" mail account... at first only a few... today I've received about 30 such mails...

anyone else has this problem? The weird thing is that I only gave this "[at]spamcop.net" address to limited people, and I don't think they 've 'abused' me :-)

Each sample porn spam you (dor some reason) provided (now deleted) included the "No reports filed" line. Not knowing the particulars of each of those spam items, it's hard to say what effect reporting them may have had, but not reporting them didn't feed the SCBL, didn't send any notifications to possible ISPs that might have reacted, etc.

Checking the address you used to register 'here' it can be said that your account name easily falls into the "dictionary" type of address gneration model. So the possibility that one of your "limited people" is the cause can be minimzed (though not dropped completely ... many folks have 'friends' that 'share' e-mail addresses by "sending an e-mail card, funny picture, 'important' information, ec.)

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I have noticed that some spammers are now guessing e-mail addresses rather than buying a list. One of my domains has a catch-all account (i.e. any undefined e-mail address with my domain gets routed to the catch-all account) and 99% of the spam received on that account isn't even addressed to a real account.

This may be how you got onto a list. They simply guessed your e-mail address and sent spam to it.

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