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"Nothing to do"

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For the last couple of weeks I've been getting spam which Spamcop, can't resolve at all, giving me the following (similar) messages:

" does not report source IP correctly

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.

Add/edit your mailhost configuration

Finding full email headers

Submitting spam via email (may work better)

Example: What spam headers should look like

Nothing to do."

These are all submitted using VER from my Spamcop email account. My mailhosts have been set up long ago. The last tracking URL doing this is:


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Per that Tracking URL, RoadRunner Mail Server txmx01.mgw.rr.com [] has been flagged by a SpamCop Deputy or Admin as "does not report source IP correctly". Please ask the Deputies to review that flagging decision via their address deputies <at> spamcop.net. Thanks!

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Per that Tracking URL, RoadRunner Mail Server txmx01.mgw.rr.com [] has been flagged by a SpamCop Deputy or Admin as "does not report source IP correctly".  Please ask the Deputies to review that flagging decision via their address deputies <at> spamcop.net.  Thanks!


Thanks. How do I contact the "Deputies"? I thought they monitored this forum.

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You're welcome.
How do I contact the "Deputies"?


The best way is via email, using domain spamcop.net and username deputies. You're not going to get me to put their address here in the clear so they can get more spam.
I thought they monitored this forum.


They monitor their email more frequently than they monitor this forum.
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