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ISP's need extra incentive


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I think if an ISP's address's generate more than 50% spam vs. legatimate e-mail, their internet connection should be terminated. Let them pay their providers a re-subscription fees if they want to re-connect. If they hit the 50% mark again, down goes their connection.

This will probably never happen, but it sure would provide them some extra incentive to act on the spam issue.

Maybe the Internet 2 roll-out can stipulate this form of mandate. That might actually get ISP's to clean up their act in advance. <_<

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In a broader sense, AUPs and TOSs should apply to ALL connections to an ISP, whether provider-to-customer or peer-to-peer. Evidence of their existence and/or enforcement is certainly lacking in many cases, especially for links to China and rogue ISPs world-wide.

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