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What is the purpose of this msg.?


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The following was cross posted in several alt. groups - this is the body only and the sender purported to be individual whose addy is the one noted - what is he attempting to do? Just curious and I get no reply in the group I saw it at - alt.spam


I'm sure someone will be kind enough to point out any bad manners I may be exhibiting by posting this, but you guys have seen more of this stuff than me...













<snip 28 repeated lines>


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Technically, very little of the explicit data was actually required ... as you say anyone spending any time in just about any newsgroup has seen this crap unfortunately. As it's way out of context as presented here, all that can be conjectured is some typical scenarios ...

1. someone putting up a spamtrap, looking for incoming traffic

2. someone posting someone else's e-mail address for any of many reasons

3. some code-passing with the 31 repeats having some significance

4. obvious sign of some idiot with too much time on his/her hands

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Wazoo - thanks for the response -

Posted Jun 25 2005, 07:39 PM

Technically, very little of the explicit data was actually required ... as you say anyone spending any time in just about any newsgroup has seen this crap unfortunately.

/I don't recollect saying that, but I have seen a few oddballs blaring out spam me spam me/

As it's way out of context as presented here

/it is a copy and paste of the exact msg., no more no less, and no recent history (thread)evident so context seems to be anybody's guess and how to get into context --oh, maybe prior thread content was canceled/

, all that can be conjectured is some typical scenarios ...

1. someone putting up a spamtrap, looking for incoming traffic

/to catch spammers? whats with the paragraph of ngs - is that if fact all the groups post went to?never saw it done from the msg body before...?/

2. someone posting someone else's e-mail address for any of many reasons

/thought crossed my mind but couldn't work out what that could do.../

3. some code-passing with the 31 repeats having some significance

/now thats an interesting thought - could be anything - hmmm - cia stuff/

4. obvious sign of some idiot with too much time on his/her hands

/unfortunately, this is toooo typical - think I've been living in ignorant bliss for just a tad too long - interesting, thanks jg/

Sorry about formating - haven't been here that long

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You said "saw it in alt.spam" ... thus the "out of context" remark .. no headers, no clue as to whether it was a failed attempt at a question, an additional cross-post, etc. Same goes for "all the newsgroups it wne tto?" ... no, these identified newsgroups seen in the body would not be where the post was sent, as that data is only found in the headerof the post ... on the other hand, it may have been where it was sent, but whoever posted this into alt.spam had some other reason to strip/screw-up the header data .. again, the "out of context" thing ... I don't subscribe to any of the newsgroups listed and haven't seen this post in the groups I do keep up with.

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At the risk of beating a dead horse, I went back and got these headers from the post [at] alt.spam - appears to be a cross posted reply to some group called alt.make.your.own.spam, which sounds like those folks with nothing else to do - don't think I'll let my curiousity go visit. If this isn't worthy of anymore of your time, I'd understand...

Path: news1.west.cox.net!west.cox.net!filt01.west.cox.net!peer01.west.cox.net!cox.net!pd7cy1no!shaw.ca!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!feed4.newsreader.com!newsreader.com!newsh.newsreader.com!delta.newsreader.com!not-for-mail

Newsgroups: alt.make.your.own.spam,alt.spam,alt.spammers.post.here,newsguy.spamhippo.top100,alt.fan.spamster

Subject: re: fu** you all

From: Alan Biesh <shootertec.cox.net>

Date: 22 Jun 2005 11:26:43 GMT

Message-ID: <Xns967D4BCA86C8Cshooterteccoxnet[at]>

Followup-To: alt.make.your.own.spam

User-Agent: Xnews/??.01.30

X-Trace: delta.newsreader.com c5c,puiAdE4zPwsIfm2wvzqOjXoizqlIyXSwBa4BPh0fM-3st

Lines: 47

Xref: cox.net alt.make.your.own.spam:84197 alt.spam:168883 alt.spammers.post.here:84042

X-Received-Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 07:26:43 EDT (news1.west.cox.net)

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