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"Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors"


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I'm trying to report spam sent to my wife's email account "X at cqmail dot net" which forwards to "X".

Here is what I get when I submit spam:

SpamCop v 5.2.0 © 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:
Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source
Please correct this situation - register every email address where you receive spam
No source IP address found, cannot proceed.
Add/edit your mailhost configuration
Finding full email headers
Submitting spam via email (may work better)
Example: What spam headers should look like
Nothing to do.


When I attempt to add the mailhost I get this:

host 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1 = mx1.mailbox.org (cached)
mx1.mailbox.org is 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1
host 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1 = mx1.mailbox.org (cached)
mx1.mailbox.org is 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1
Host dobby24a.heinlein-hosting.de (checking ip) =
Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors:

The email sample you submitted for X
appears to traverse more than one domain.  
Please ensure that you configure each mailhost individually and in order.

Proceed here:


When I "Proceed here" I get:

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, your request could not be processed.

Typically, this is the result of a temporary problem. Please re-try the operation which caused this error in a minute or two. You can even leave this error screen open and use your browser's "reload" button to re-try. Please do not press reload repeatedly though. Pressing the button more often does not resolve the problem faster. It just makes a bad situation worse.

If you believe this is a bug which occurs only under specific circumstances or have observed the problem frequently, please contact us with a full description of the problem.


And last, this is the header of the spam I am trying to report:

Return-Path: <bounces+1667099-d681-X=cqmail.net@sendgrid.tapingo.com>
Delivered-To: X
Received: from director-04.heinlein-hosting.de ([])
    (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits))
    by dobby24a.heinlein-hosting.de with LMTPS
    id OFtSH7XoRV911QEAzQY4MA
    (envelope-from <bounces+1667099-d681-Xcqmail.net@sendgrid.tapingo.com>)
    for <X>; Wed, 26 Aug 2020 06:44:37 +0200
Received: from mx1.mailbox.org ([])
    (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits))
    by director-04.heinlein-hosting.de with LMTPS
    id uNrlHbXoRV8r9wEAgupzMw
    (envelope-from <bounces+1667099-d681-X=cqmail.net@sendgrid.tapingo.com>)
    for <X>; Wed, 26 Aug 2020 06:44:37 +0200
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at heinlein-support.de
Authentication-Results: spamfilter03.heinlein-hosting.de (amavisd-new);
    dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.d=tapingo.com
X-policyd-weight:  NOT_IN_SBL_XBL_SPAMHAUS=-1.5 CL_IP_EQ_HELO_IP=-2 (check from: .tapingo. - helo: .esa2.spamcop.iphmx. - helo-domain: .iphmx.)  FROM/MX_MATCHES_NOT_HELO(DOMAIN)=1; rate: -2.5
Received: from esa2.spamcop.iphmx.com (esa2.spamcop.iphmx.com [])
    by mx1.mailbox.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id E6E5642118
    for <X>; Wed, 26 Aug 2020 06:44:31 +0200 (CEST)
IronPort-SDR: 0OXwuuv3ewUt9UKepJCR/Yh4ibOfIiWn7bAJdfd5pB29rq01myPFIjz1yNTUQN84WOz6cAuDWL
X-IPAS-Result: =?us-ascii?q?A3D8CADv50VffVJy/sBZBoN2gXdVXoQ3iQGGbwEFgRyDQ?=
X-IronPort-Anti-spam-Filtered: true
X-IronPort-AV: E=McAfee;i="6000,8403,9724"; a="27033606"
X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="5.76,354,1592899200";
Received: from vmx.spamcop.net (HELO vmx5.spamcop.net) ([])
  by esa2.spamcop.iphmx.com with ESMTP; 25 Aug 2020 20:48:22 -0800
Received: from o1.email.notifications.tapingo.com (o1.email.notifications.tapingo.com [])
    by vmx5.spamcop.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id ADB69ED1E2
    for <X>; Tue, 25 Aug 2020 21:44:26 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=tapingo.com;
    h=content-type:from:mime-version:reply-to:subject:to; s=smtpapi;
    bh=Mq96fr3MyyinE1a+mYYOzh9nDbMiCtimJH5iCcqDH8I=; b=SbmCgS27jkhQA
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=52d5ae253d929097ac711b4eb8f1116dc5b890c2448443110348fb6b2ddb
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 04:44:25 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Morgan Stanley" <lawoffice@tapingo.com>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Reply-to: robertwilliam2646@gmail.com
Subject: Unusual activities on account
To: X
Message-ID: <699MTMyDQ6Sq4PQWSW6egg@ismtpd0053p1iad1.sendgrid.net>
X-SG-EID: /NujteeM9hlJOKOrDG96aLv88/IJptBK0erbBznRorenzKPhFtbBv9QyUgIfBEu8246O/RaHy82FmW
X-SG-ID: Z2FxZazunBjVeNuNdzHDqrF8mxuCpi0krmont6YQrP1Pv0Kr6qCO/y0Z1UNxiW3o2fMbXcONGWHXCI
X-MBO-spam-Probability: *
X-Rspamd-Score: 1.14 / 15.00 / 200.00
X-Rspamd-Queue-Id: E6E5642118
X-Rspamd-UID: a91e0a

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Mime-Version: 1.0


At the present time my Spamcop Mailhosts page shows the following:

Incomplete:   X
Mailhost name:     mailbox.org
Email address:     X
Hosts/Domains:     mx3.mailbox.org
Relaying IPsv4:
Relaying IPsv6:     2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1

Mailhost name:     SpamCop
Email address:     X
Hosts/Domains:     va1.mxservers.net
Relaying IPsv4:
Relaying IPsv6     2002:ac8:b46:0:0:0:0:0


Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

Edited by Lking
to remove email address
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@mgolden  as you may have noticed, spammers do visit this forum. It can be assumed they scrap email addresses they find. I tried to remove your wife's email from your post.

You did provide the tracking URL, thank you, so there was no point to including the header of the spam (which exposed your wife's email) in your post


There does seem to be some network issues right now. I also just got a 500 error.  Try later to update your mailhost..

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14 hours ago, mgolden said:

host 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1 = mx1.mailbox.org (cached)
mx1.mailbox.org is 2001:67c:2050:104:0:1:25:1
Host dobby24a.heinlein-hosting.de (checking ip) =
Sorry, SpamCop has encountered errors:

The email sample you submitted for X
appears to traverse more than one domain.  
Please ensure that you configure each mailhost individually and in order.


I am not sure if this could be your problem but last time I saw this message, it turned out to be one email of mine was forwarding to another.  If you have multiple emails involved in a chain then you might need to report them in a backwards order, such as under the "how" section of https://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/397.html.

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