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Please provide a Tracking URL, such that the entire parse can be seen by those wishing to try to help out. Explanation of a Tracking URL can be found via the Glossary link from the FAQ found here. Providing just a snippet of data is like asking how a book turned out by only providing the contents of page 17 .. some folks might be able to guess correctly, the rest of us simply wouldn't spend time worrying about it.

It is possuble that the FAQ entry SpamCop said "No reports filed." What does it mean? may contain the answer, but again, the snippet of data didn't go far enough.

Now if need be, there was a new item added to the FAQ (here) today, dealing with generating a Tracking URL if all you have is a Report ID ...

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Followed your Tracking URL ... results shown were;

Report spam to:

Re: (Bounce)

To: abuse[at]verizon.net (Notes)

Re: (Third party interested in email source)

To: Cyveillance spam collection (Notes)

As the parse was still active, took it upon myself to hey the "Cancel" button ... but the bottom line, it went through with no problems seen ...????

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Not quite that simple - tracking URL showed results as described by OP. I then played around with the data, trying variations on the headers in the parser, getting same results as the OP (6 times). Then the parser froze. Clicked on the tracking URL, it came back with the parse resolved. Bottom line, it works now when it wasn't. And my connection to SpamCop was refused for some 5 minutes (back now).

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Back from a grocery shopping trip, sat down, caught up on newsgroups, jumped into the Forum, saw this Topic active, read Farelf's response, reached up and clicked on the provided Tracking URL, got this parse result;

Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:

Reportid: 1465156450 To: cancelled[at]devnull.spamcop.net

If reported today, reports would be sent to:

Re: (Bounce)


Re: (Third party interested in email source)


????? Recent dialog with some folks have indicated that server load issues are at the top of the "fix" list, but http://www.spamcop.net/spamgraph.shtml?spamstats doesn't really show that the system is working "out of the ordinary" ...????

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When I ran it, the parse stopped (as shown below) with the words "Nothing to do", and it never took me to the page where I would be able to click on the button saying "Send spam Reports Now". Following is a text copy of the original parse as it appeared in my browser:


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Report spam Filtered Email Blocking List Statistics Login

SpamCop v 1.466 © Ironport Systems Inc., 1998-2005 , All rights reserved.

Here is your TRACKING URL - it may be saved for future reference:


Skip to Reports

From - Sat Jul 9 21:21:12 2005

Received: from cavallofamily (unverified []) by


(SMTPRCV 0.50) with SMTP id <B000___9421[at]SJCMP.sjsports.com>;

Sat, 09 Jul 2005 20:35:50 -0400

Message-ID: <B000___9421[at]SJCMP.sjsports.com>

From: "Carlo J.Cavallo" <tcment[at]verizon.net>

To: x

Subject: League Game Video Live On The Internet

Date: 9/7/2005 8:36:00 PM

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

X-Priority: 3

X-Mailer: Auto-Pilot 1.8.1887.20113 (MJ)

X-Failed-Recipients: UseOtherEmailToReply[at]prosoftwarepack.com

Disposition-Notification-To: tcment[at]verizon.net

Sender: x

Resent-Message-Id: <B0004376549[at]SJCMP.sjsports.com>

X-Mozilla-Status: 0000

X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000

X-UIDL: B0004376549.MSG

View entire message

Parsing header:

Received:  from cavallofamily (unverified []) by SJCMP.sjsports.com (SMTPRCV 0.50) with SMTP id <B000___9421[at]SJCMP.sjsports.com>; Sat, 09 Jul 2005 20:35:50 -0400 found

host = pool-70-111-172-122.nwrk.east.verizon.net (cached)

pool-70-111-172-122.nwrk.east.verizon.net is

Possible spammer:

Received line accepted

Tracking message source:

Routing details for

[refresh/show] Cached whois for : abuse[at]verizon.net

Using abuse net on abuse[at]verizon.net

abuse net verizon.net = abuse[at]verizon.net

Using best contacts abuse[at]verizon.net

Yum, this spam is fresh!

Message is 2 hours old not listed in dnsbl.njabl.org not listed in dnsbl.njabl.org not listed in cbl.abuseat.org listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net ( ) not listed in relays.ordb.org. not listed in accredit.habeas.com not listed in plus.bondedsender.org not listed in iadb.isipp.com

Nothing to do.

© Ironport Systems Inc., 1998-2005 , All rights reserved. HTML4 / CSS2 Firefox recommended - Policies and Disclaimers

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When I ran it, the parse stopped (as shown below) with the words "Nothing to do", and it never took me to the page where I would be able to click on the button saying "Send spam Reports Now". 



Yep, that's what I was seeing, initially on your tracking URL and then with my parses. Can't reference mine any more - no report ID, just (with slight variations on submission time for the other 5):

Submitted: Monday, July 11, 2005 11:44:59 +0800:

League Game Video Live On The Internet

No reports filed

These were never cancelled - just bogged down at Nothing to do.

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woke up from a bit of a nap, finished the IPB Forum section I was reading/answering in when I nodded off, came back here, refreshed the screen, made my way back to this Topic, clicked on the Tracking URL included in the "complete screen" post .. and once again, works fine for me;

Reports regarding this spam have already been sent:

Reportid: 1465156450 To: cancelled[at]devnull.spamcop.net

If reported today, reports would be sent to:

Re: (Bounce)


Re: (Third party interested in email source)


IE6 running under Win-98SE

Safari under OS-X 10.2.xxxxx

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