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Mailhost problem and possible mismatch between users


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Since yesterday I have a strange problem :

I recurrently (… ahem … at least twice so far) receive spam confirmation emails where all message, when I want to "
finish spam reporting" for them, display "Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source / Mailhost: / Please correct this situation - register every email address where you receive spam".

I know how to proceed with "Mailhost configuration problem".


But this also corresponds to messages that I actually never submitted.

True for all messages in the same confirmation mail.

Is it possible that there would be a bug mismatching confirmation messages, or their submitted spams themselves, between users?




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Just received another one.

Along with quite long mail with subject "[SpamCop] Errors encountered" and beginning with :


SpamCop encountered errors while saving spam for processing:
SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:


Edited by Gingko
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4 hours ago, Gingko said:

Along with quite long mail with subject "[SpamCop] Errors encountered" and beginning with :


sounds to me, like you might be talking about the response email that would contain a tracking URL if it worked, but it is not working.  A normal reply would be a subject line "[SpamCop] has accepted 1 email for processing".

Reply emails with the subject line "[SpamCop] Errors encountered" usually indicate a problem with the attachment on the sending email.  Even if I had mailhost problems, I would still get a sucessful reply with a tracking URL.

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I received another one (with 18 messages inside !!!).

Is there a way to change my submitting email address (the one like submit.XXXXXXXXXX@spam.spamcop.net) without having to create a new account and delete the old one ?

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1 hour ago, Gingko said:

I received another one (with 18 messages inside !!!).

Sounds like someone is attached 18 emails and sent to your reporting address.

1 hour ago, Gingko said:

Is there a way to change my submitting email address (the one like submit.XXXXXXXXXX@spam.spamcop.net) without having to create a new account and delete the old one ?

Yes, you can email the deputies[at]admin[dot]spamcop[dot]net and they can change it for you.

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