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Do Talosintelligence and Spamcop sync?


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Due to a recent wave of continuous received phishing mails, I started to do some little investigations rather than just the usual reporting.

The emails received all originate from a serviceprovider called SendInBlue, and many of the emails came from IP

As usual I did my reports to Spamcop, where the notifications for abuse@sendinblue is devnulled due to bounces.

At some point I also checked TalosIntelligence, which to my amaze still sees the sender as a "trusted" IP, despite my reports.
I then filed a ticket with Talos, that I find the reputation for the IP incorrect, but instead I received a somewhat auto-answer with closure of my ticket, that I should use SpamCop to report my spam.

Hence my question here. Do SpamCop and Talos sync one another? Which should be a neat internal job since both operated by Cisco.
Also, is there a certain limit of reports needed for an IP to be added to SpamCop's BL? Since I still see it as not blacklisted.

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On 7/19/2021 at 6:20 AM, bjoeg said:

At some point I also checked TalosIntelligence, which to my amaze still sees the sender as a "trusted" IP, despite my reports.

At one time I suspected they would sync, but I am not sure.  While looking at the spamcop IPv4 statistics, I noticed the results are very low.  It appears either a sync issue or else only one in a hundred are being reported as spam.  Maybe people are not reporting as much spam as they should be? [SB]
Total Email: 13302.00
spam: 100.00
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