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Hivelocity spam Haven?


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I keep on getting Pharma spam from an IP address hosted on Hivelocity.





Hivelocity comes back each time saying their client has not been spamming and how do I know the email comes from their server. So again, I copy and paste the headers, they copy and paste the response from their client.

My spam traps are getting at least 4-5 emails per day, I report them to spamcop and Hivelocity, and nothing gets done, the spam continues and not even blacklisted.


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14 hours ago, AlexFux said:

Hivelocity comes back each time saying their client has not been spamming and how do I know the email comes from their server. So again, I copy and paste the headers, they copy and paste the response from their client.

Most of the reports I have sent around the world are to people that are not spamming.  How you know it comes from their server, router, or IP camera is you have the IP address in the headers.  If you own your own server, you have it in your logs too.  It also could be a shared or constantly changing IP, which is why the time sent/received is important.  You really want the IP from the border server's header entry because anything before that could be made up.

I started telling people that they might want to patch their computers, routers, and IP cameras and the spam from them to me seems to have stop.

14 hours ago, AlexFux said:

 My spam traps are getting at least 4-5 emails per day, I report them to spamcop and Hivelocity, and nothing gets done, the spam continues and not even blacklisted.

Also, I had tied started to tie some of my spamtraps to my own blacklist.  When they try to send lots of those they get blocked very quickly and after a while, give up on trying to spam me.

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