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Logging In

Jeff G.

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There is a variety of SpamCop websites to which you may wish to login. They are detailed below:

http://www.spamcop.net: This website can be used by all SpamCop Reporters for Parsing and Reporting their spam (whether or not they have fuel), and can also be used by ISPs for telling SpamCop how they are dealing with a particular Report, or for telling SpamCop which Reports they do or do not want, and can also be used by anyone for evaluating a Tracking URL, checking the SCBL status of an IP Address, or reviewing statistics or the original www.spamcop.net FAQ. Login is via cookie, either using http://www.spamcop.net/mcgi?action=loginform (which has 1 hour, 12 hours (default), 2 days, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year options for the future cookie expiration time (the length of time to remain logged in)) or the two boxes to the left of the "Login" Button/Link in the top right corner of most other pages on http://www.spamcop.net (which have no such options, and provide a fixed future cookie expiration time of 12 hours). Username is the Member's email address, except for some very old Member Accounts. If you can't read the news because you can't login, please use the http://www.spamcop.net/?code hack.

http://members.spamcop.net: This website can only be used by SpamCop Reporters who are not SpamCop Email System Customers for Parsing and Reporting their spam (whether or not they have fuel), as well as for any purpose that www.spamcop.net can be used for. Login is via HTTP Basic Authorization (which annoyingly doesn't allow for a "logout" function short of killing the browser instance). Tracking URLs from this site should have "members" replaced by "www" before posting. Username is the Member's email address, except for some very old Member Accounts.

http://mailsc.spamcop.net: This website can only be used by SpamCop Email System Customers for Parsing and Reporting their spam and for Very Easy Reporting, as well as for any purpose that www.spamcop.net can be used for. Login is via HTTP Basic Authorization (which annoyingly doesn't allow for a "logout" function short of killing the browser instance). Tracking URLs from this site should have "mailsc" replaced by "www" before posting. Username is the Member's SpamCop Email System email address.

http://webmail.spamcop.net: This website can only be used by SpamCop Email System Customers for managing their email, including such SpamCop Email System specific features as three kinds of filtering and most of the features of Very Easy Reporting. Login is via webpage only (which Firefox can remember but IE can't remember). Username is the Member's SpamCop Email System email address.

http://forum.spamcop.net (this website): This website can be used by anyone for reading purposes. Posting privileges require login. Username and password on this website are totally independent of Username and password on any of the above websites, and use of an email address for Username is no longer permitted (Members who did this previously must PM Wazoo with their requested replacement Username (first come, first served)). Cookies and java scri_pt are not required, but help with staying logged in and using certain of the more fun and attractive features.

Edit: 2005/10/14 10:33 EDT -0400 Jeff G. added future cookie expiration times.

Edit: 2005/10/16 00:15 EDT -0400 Jeff G. added " If you can't read the news because you can't login, please use the http://www.spamcop.net/?code hack." after discovering how that hack works.

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