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External POP Account: Unknown error: 4

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Things to try when the SpamCop Email System can't POP your email messages:

  1. Check that POP Account with something else (OE, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, mail2web.com), making sure that you leave your mail on the server.
  2. Delete that Pop Account from POP Configuration, save your changes, and recreate that Account.
  3. Contact JT with details (including SpamCop Email Address; POP Account Server, Username, and Password; and error message(s)) via support[at]spamcop.net.

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Thanks for the swift reply - have tried all those things with no success. Is fine POPing from Outlook etc., and has been fine with Spamcop for the last year or two - has suddenly stopped working. Will contact support and see how they get on.

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