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Potential Phisher lost in Neverland

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I have an account set up to deliver from a postini spam trap to my SC account for reporting, occasionally spam seems to be lost on it's way in the Neverland despite other spam being timely delivered at the same time, I am not blocking anything on my SC end, simply trapping in the heldmail folder and whitelisting or reporting as necessary.

This one however has failed making it through despite being sent repeatedly together with other spam which showed up almost instantly...here is the

Tracking url!! ...so what's up with that, it does not look like a regular PayPal Phisher (which I get plenty) but has nothing in it that would identify me as a recipient...

Interestingly, the IP mentioned there is reported for PayPal Phishing

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Please try to send that spam message directly to SpamCop account using mailserver mx.spamcop.net, using a unique subject and keeping track of your logs. If that message is delivered, then please troubleshoot with your ISP (where the problem would then appear to lie). If that message is not delivered, please forward the subject and logs to JT at support[at]spamcop.net for troubleshooting. Thanks!

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Please try to send that spam message directly to SpamCop account...Thanks!


...the only thing available in the postini (web-based) page is a delivery button which allows for delivery of spam to my ISP account (with the option to approve the sender)... The latter is setup to forward to my SC account where most mail sent that way gets trapped into the heldmail folder...This works for most e-mail except for few as stated above..

In the postini folder, I can also show headers and cut and paste the e-mail into the parser, what I did above after numerous failed delivery attempts.. I wonder if being a PHISHER it was treated like a virus by SC and blocked from reaching the heldmail folder... Other PayPal PHISHERS have made it alright in the past...

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I wonder if being a PHISHER it was treated like a virus by SC and blocked from reaching the heldmail folder.


That's certainly possible. Can you try to send that copied/pasted version from your real email client on your computer directly to mx.spamcop.net? Thanks!
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