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Pipex bouncing report link mails.


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I have recently found that some reporting link e-mails from spamcop are not making it to my inbox. Below I have copied the email I sent to Pipex Tech Sup and thier (unhelpful) response.

> I have recently experienced a few mail bounces when using the

> "Spamcop" service, these seem to occur in no particular pattern.

> Please investigate this problem. I have copied the error message from

> my log in at www.spamcop.net


> Bounce error

> Your email address, warweezil[at]dsl.pipex.com has returned a bounce:

> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

> Reason: 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'Error: bc0009' 

(The whole Pipex Reply)

In this particular case your message contains a phrase known to appear

only in junk mail, so our server has refused it.  I would guess that the

others are similar.

Considering the lack of success that Pipex's (alleged) spam filters have in removing "real" spam from my incoming mail I am extremely annoyed at thier response. I cant see why the few mails that are bounced are being picked out from the large number or replies that I successfully get from Spamcop each week.

Can anybody help me educate Pipex about "real" spam?

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I don't have time to figure out a good response so I looked at the FAQ to see if there was a discussion somewhere that might give you a start.

I found some suggestions on what color 'clueless' hats should be (light orange for Pipex; bright orange for admins who put Exchange servers directly on the web)

This FAQ is pretty detailed, and even though you know why the emails are being bounced, it might contain either a workaround or some information on 'why' their system is not good.Email submissions troubleshooting

I am sure someone will come along with a better reply.

Miss Betsy

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