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Funny Email


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This is an email I recieved that was blocked by sc... It seemed very funny to me. :)

Subject: bulk email is not necesarilly spam

Tired of your bulk marketing efforts being labeled as spam? Many responsible marketers like you experience the same problems everyday.

You send out a batch of emails to your clients only to find that your website was shut down due to spam. We guarantee that this will never

happen with our servers. Your site will stay up no matter how much bulk email you send out. Check it out.

Manage your subscription settings here.

xztrqxiherjid g p qywlrepjqwotkspolnuht trub

And some of the header

X-Priority: 3

X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

X-spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.63 (2004-01-11) on blade1

X-spam-Level: *********************

X-spam-Status: hits=21.2 tests=DATE_SPAMWARE_Y2K,FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK,





X-SpamCop-Disposition: Blocked bl.spamcop.net

Hope this gives you a laugh too. :)

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And who, pray tell, is providing this service?

dhanna will say, if dhanna wants but there has to be a heap of these "services" out there - for people who see email marketing as a legitimate tool of free enterprise ... and the others. If you really want to get your BP up, have a look at:


Be aware - they issued me no cookie requests but I have no idea if they log visitors elsewise. Thought I'd better add that! I blundered in there once, in innocence, and am still recovering, I felt like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

cheapbphosting.com is *not* to be confused with cheaphosting.com.

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Be aware - they issued me no cookie requests but I have no idea if they log visitors elsewise.  Thought I'd better add that!  I blundered in there once, in innocence, and am still recovering, I felt like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

What happened then? (not curious at all ;) )

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What happened then? (not curious at all )

Sorry, yeah it looks a bit melodramatic, doesn't it? No mystery, no known harm, I just don't like them but mention them for the possible interest of those made of sterner stuff than I.

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Well, it was blocked by SC already... And here is why...

Received: from diderot-5-81-57-134-91.fbx.proxad.net ([]) by fed1mtai05.cox.net (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-108-20031117) with SMTP id <20040311101903.CXYI15943.fed1mtai05.cox.net[at]diderot-5-81-57-134-91.fbx.proxad.net>; Thu, 11 Mar 2004 05:19:03 -0500 found

host = diderot-5-81-57-134-91.fbx.proxad.net (cached)

host diderot-5-81-57-134-91.fbx.proxad.net (checking ip) =

Possible spammer:

Received line accepted

Received: from [] by diderot-5-81-57-134-91.fbx.proxad.net with SMTP for <x>; Thu, 11 Mar 2004 07:12:57 -0300

no from found

host (getting name) no name listed in dnsbl.njabl.org ( )

Open proxies untrusted as relays

You can block if you want. What I thought was so funny was their email subject and content, then the fact that SC blocked it as well.

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