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Interesting new spammer/fraud


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Any of you seen this?


I received a flood of mail from one IP, so it's the same ol' same ol spam that I'm used to, but I visited the link just for kicks and saw some of the 'clients' they had:


I then tried a few of the 'clients' and found sites that existed. So this is either one SUPER elaborate scheme or this spammer is using those other site logos and had nothing to do with them... the spammer site is on a CNC IP address, so I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say it's not legit.

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Any of you seen this?

I then tried a few of the 'clients' and found sites that existed. So this is either one SUPER elaborate scheme or this spammer is using those other site logos and had nothing to do with them... the spammer site is on a CNC IP address, so I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say it's not legit.

I too am getting these spam lately. I get them for 3-4 days every 3-9months. Never bothered to follow a link, legit or not its still spam.

On the other hand, after they build you a nice logo, letterhead, etc. considering their business (internet) ethics would you know if it is one of a kind or if you are a copyright law suit waiting to happen.

spam is spam and I report it all legit or not.

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got another round of 30 from this guy. I just thought it was a rather large amount of work for a spammer to do, just to get some credit card numbers. Then again, that is what they do... might as well make the sites believable, right?

Steven- THanks. I don't quite know why that happened.

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