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Forum / subforum layout question

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There are currently 3 forums related to SpamCop email accounts

"SpamCop Email System & Accounts"

with a sub-forum of: "SpamCop Flat-Rate Email Account Setup"

which is basically a specific type of "How to" forum

And the third forum: SpamCop Filtered E-Mail Account, which is a sub-forum of "How to use ...."

I am wondering if it would make more sense to move the "How to use.... SpamCop Filtered Email Account" and make it a 2nd sub-forum of "SpamCop Email System & Accounts"

The use of "SpamCop Filtered E-Mail Account" one place and and "SpamCop Email System & Accounts" in an other, causes me to think that there are multiple types of email accounts, which is true in the sense that there are the individual accounts and corporate accounts.

Just a thought, feel free to delete it.

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