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Using Held Mail Button - Self Reporting


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Hello all

I am new to spamcop. I signed up and paid the yearly fee.

When go to "held mail" and check the boxes and click report spam it reports me.

When I started reporting spam that way my server got on the BL.

Then I stopped reporting for 24 hours and we dropped off the list.

I guess I could just not report them and delete them...

I tried to forward all the emails to the spamcop reporting address I was provided with...

that takes toooooo long... I had to go down a huge list changing each one to attachment...

then it emailed me a list of links and said it was ready to report them..

I thought that what i did when i forwarded all those spams...

*** is there something you have to set up before you can use the "held mail" option to report spam with self reporting?


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...*** is there something you have to set up before you can use the "held mail" option to report spam with self reporting?...
You mean in addition to configuring your mailhosts - http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/397.html ? Further links from http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2238 under SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service section.
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...then it emailed me a list of links and said it was ready to report them..

I thought that what i did when i forwarded all those spams...

Oh yes, nearly forgot that bit. NO - when you forward spam to your submit address it is processed (parsed) to discover source IP address and whatever URLs can be resolved. The actual reporting phase needs you to review the intended reporting action and hit the report button. For each one. Your held mail reporting omits that verification step - which is how come you can contribute to getting your own ISP block listed using it (no single reporter should be able to get any IP address listed but you need to ensure your mailhosts are configured to *help* prevent erroneous listing). Some detail on held mail reporting at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=5012
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What really needs to happen ....

Take a huge step backwards and try to work through the actual process so you understand what's happening / involved at each step in the process. There is a reason that the free-reporting account is the normal way of trying out SpamCop.net reporting...

Login to your www.spamcop.net web-page

Under Preferences, turn on Full/Technical details

Paste in you complete spam into the box, hit the Submit button

Analyze the paring results

In the situation you described, figure out why your ISP was the target of a report

need help? Post a Tracking URL here on that parse

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